Had I been 100 meters ahead, I would have been in rags: Inder, who returned after escaping from Sudan, said – Policemen used to rob at gunpoint, survived by eating dry bread

2 hours agoAuthor: Devanshu Tiwari

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“It was 1 am in the night. I was sleeping in the room with my 2 friends. There was a loud bang outside. The bang was so strong that even the doors and windows of the room shook. I ran and came out of the room. The view in front was such that it was as if I was standing in a cremation ground, where pyres were burning everywhere.”

“Screaming people were running here and there to save their lives. While the fighter planes passing overhead were dropping bombs on houses and factories one after the other. I also started running in panic. I could only move 10 steps Another bomb fell 100 meters away from me. The explosion was so strong that I fell on the ground on my face. At that moment I felt that I would not be able to survive anymore. If I still remember that scene, my body would cry. Are.” This is to say of Inder Kumar of Rae Bareilly who returned alive from Sudan.

Inder is one of the 391 lucky people from UP who were rescued and brought back to India safely amid the ongoing civil war in Sudan. 14 days have passed since he came home. He is happy with his parents, wife and 3 children. But the scene of murder, looting, bombing and the pain of losing his job is not letting him sleep peacefully even today.

We reached Inder’s house in Lalganj town of Rae Bareli, 95 KM from Lucknow. Talked to him about the situation of stranded Indians in Sudan, the stressful life there and the rescue operation. What was revealed was shocking. Let’s know everything…

People were crammed into 6×10 rooms, stayed alive by drinking dry bread and water
Inder says “I used to make rebars in a large steel plant in South Khartoum, Sudan. There were 35 more Indians working in the same plant. There was an army camp about 500 meters from where our factory was. We used to think that whenever there was a big incident, the soldiers would come to save us. But the proximity of the army camp became a disaster for us.”

This is the place where Inder and his companions were kept after the war started.

This is the place where Inder and his companions were kept after the war started.

“Helicopters and fighter jets were roaming in the sky since 4 am on April 15. One of them bombed the army camp. But that bomb fell in our plant itself. There was such a loud explosion that the entire factory The electricity went off. The siren of the company started ringing. The workers started running hither and thither to save their lives.”

“Our boss told us that now no one will leave the plant. The company store became our home. There were 4-4 people living in small rooms of 6×10. We were like living corpses. There was neither electricity nor fan in those rooms. Used to eat once a day. Lived by drinking dry bread and water.

There is no ration left to eat in Sudan, policemen are robbing people
“In the room where we were put up, there were constant sounds of fighter jets and bombings. I used to cry when I heard people screaming and crying. People are leaving their homes and running to other places. The policemen are also looting the general public on the pretext of checking. Whoever is getting what he is getting, is snatching it at gunpoint.”

Fighter jets rain missiles at houses in Khartoum, Sudan.

Fighter jets rain missiles at houses in Khartoum, Sudan.

“The phone line was closed. That’s why I couldn’t talk to my family even if I wanted to. I just wanted to save my life and return home. The owner of the company supported us a lot. He took us all to the embassy camp. Helped to reach us. The day the army men reached the plant to pick us up, we all started crying with joy seeing them. Now it seemed that maybe we would be saved alive.”

“It took us 18 hours to reach the Sudan Embassy under security cover of the army. We were going through the same route where there was continuous gunfire. All the way we were praying to God that somehow we would reach safely. Go.”

Sometimes water was brought to India by air
“Embassy people told that you will be taken to India through water. Be ready. A total of 162 Indian people were brought to Port Sudan from Embassy. On 24th April, we all were sent to Saudi Arabia, 1300 km away with the help of a ship. Brought to Jeddah. Then taken to Dubai airport. We all reached Delhi on April 27 after being boarded in a Government of India aircraft.

This picture is of the same plane in which Inder returned to India.  Inder was working in a steel plant in Sudan for the last 6 months.

This picture is of the same plane in which Inder returned to India. Inder was working in a steel plant in Sudan for the last 6 months.

“As soon as the army plane landed at Delhi airport, people started raising slogans of Bharat Mata Ki Jai. I first got down from the plane and bowed down on the ground. I shook hands with the soldiers because of whom I returned alive. From Delhi we Everyone came to Lucknow. The Uttar Pradesh government had made good arrangements here. From Lucknow, all of us were taken home in AC buses.”

Indians stranded in Sudan amid deteriorating situation are being brought back through ‘Operation Kaveri’. So far 391 people have been brought to UP. About 3,000 Indians are stranded in Sudan, who are being brought back to India through this mission. CM Yogi himself is monitoring this operation.

Returning home opened a shop in the village
Relatives are coming to meet Inder after coming to his village. Some local media people have also taken his interview. Inder has opened a grocery shop in the village itself. The whole family is happy after his return. The family says that now they will never send them back to Sudan. However, Inder still wants to return to Sudan.

Inder told that when he was stranded in Sudan, he used to get emotional seeing the picture of his son Piyush.  He is now happy at home with his three children.

Inder told that when he was stranded in Sudan, he used to get emotional seeing the picture of his son Piyush. He is now happy at home with his three children.

When asked the reason for this, Inder says, “We all fled from Sudan in a hurry. At this time neither banks nor hospitals are open there. Our salary is also deposited with the owner of the steel plant. Will get it put in. The economic condition of the house is not good. So if the government gives permission, we will go back to Sudan.”

Let’s stop here. Till now you have come to know about Inder Kumar who has returned from Sudan. In the next part of the news, let us tell you about the Government of India’s ‘Operation Kaveri’ and the power war in Sudan…

INS Sumedha and C-130J Hercules rescue 534 Indians
According to the official data of Operation Kaveri, 534 Indians have been rescued so far from war-affected areas in Sudan. Of these, 278 people are being brought to India through INS Sumedha and 256 people through C-130J Hercules aircraft. The Ministry of External Affairs and the PMO are constantly taking details of the rescue mission. PM Modi has said that Operation Kaveri will continue till the last Indian is safely evacuated from the affected area.

Sudan’s Ambassador to India, Abdullah Omer Bashir Al Hussain, says, “There are more than 3,000 Indians in Sudan. Most of these people were working as laborers in small factories here. Were on a visit to. We have sent 2 batches of people from here to India in collaboration with the Indian Ministry of External Affairs.

Indian Air Force's C-130J Hercules aircraft repatriates Indians stranded in Sudan under Operation Kaveri.

Indian Air Force’s C-130J Hercules aircraft repatriates Indians stranded in Sudan under Operation Kaveri.

You can talk to Assistant Review Officer Neeraj Singh and Protocol Assistant Ashish Kumar about the information about those coming from Sudan and the rescue operation being carried out under Operation Kaveri. Along with this, complaints related to this mission can also be messaged or WhatsApped on the helpline number.

phone number:
Neeraj Singh: 8920808414
Ashish Kumar: 9313434088

Finally, let us understand the causes of violence in Sudan through 7 points…

  • There is a battle for supremacy between the military and the paramilitary in Sudan. First in 2019, people demonstrated to remove the then President of Sudan Omar al-Bashir from power.
  • Then in April 2019, the army overthrew the president in a coup, but after that the people started demanding democratic rule and their role in the government.
  • After this, a joint government was formed in Sudan, in which both the civilian and military of the country had a role. There was a coup again in 2021 and military rule started in Sudan.
  • Army Chief General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan became the country’s President and RSF leader Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo Vice President. Since then the conflict between the RSF and the army has continued.
  • The military and the RSF are at loggerheads over a deal to implement civilian rule. RSF wants to implement the civilian rule after 10 years, while the army says that it should be implemented within 2 years.
A heavy police force has been deployed in South Khartoum city amid ongoing conflict between the army and the RSF in Sudan.

A heavy police force has been deployed in South Khartoum city amid ongoing conflict between the army and the RSF in Sudan.

  • Civilian rule means forming a government through elections. According to the army, a new government should be formed by holding elections in 2023. At the same time, RSF wants to rule the country for another 8 years.
  • Deadly fighting has been going on in Sudan for the last 12 days between the country’s army and the Rapid Support Force. More than 400 people have died in this. India has expedited the evacuation of Indians from Sudan in the wake of a 72-hour ceasefire agreed upon after intense talks between the Army and the RSF.

Also read these news related to Sudan Crisis…

  • How Bollywood films saved the lives of Indians in Sudan: Rebels said- Amitabh Bachchan’s country se ho, go ahead; Story of Operation Kaveri

‘When the war started in Sudan, we stopped leaving the house. Everyone used to sit crouched in one room. One evening a bullet from the window hit the ceiling. We trembled. The soldiers of Sudan’s Rapid Force used to enter the office. Looted cash, mobile and other items. Used to stay there too. This is what happened in the company next to me. Read full news here

  • People who returned home safely from Sudan: said – will never go abroad, can’t forget the crackle of bullets and explosions

A civil war crisis is going on in Sudan at the moment. The government is running a campaign ‘Operation Kaveri’ to safely evacuate the Indian people trapped there. In this episode, 31 Indians stranded in Sudan reached Gorakhpur by bus on Thursday evening. As soon as the bus stopped in Sahajanwan. People had tears in their eyes. The happiness of meeting their loved ones was clearly visible in these people, but they were getting emotional again and again remembering the pain they had suffered in Sudan. He first bowed to the earth as soon as he got down from the bus. Read full news here

  • People who returned from Sudan to Bihar said: “Bombs were raining…we were reading Kalma-Hanuman Chalisa

Mirza Parvez, a resident of Nasriganj Paithan Tola of Danapur, says that he had reached Sudan on 26 March 2023. It’s been a good week. Meanwhile, a power struggle broke out between two of Sudan’s most powerful generals. We were told to stay at home. After a few days, the ration and water started running out. Then came to know that the Indian Embassy is ready to evacuate all of us. Everyone was called for this. Everyone was taken to Earth City. After traveling for 18 hours in the security cordon, they reached the Sudan Embassy camp. Read full news here

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