These are the Health Benefits you can Gain from Beer Consumption

If you are someone who is totally capable of drowning in beer and also come up with innumerable justifications to family and friends about how beer consumption has certain benefits, then there is some good news for you. Some of those justifications may just be correct. Although consumption of alcohol is in no way being recommended, these benefits cannot be overlooked as well.

The impact of beer on health has been a matter of debate since ages, but a meta-analysis published in Nutrients highlighted that the use of natural compounds in Beer can have a positive impact on health. The study had a team of food science and nutrition experts in Spain examine studies ranging from those in 2007 to 2020 and notice how alcoholic drinks like beer affect health.

The impact of beer on cardiovascular health has been debated on for years but the study published in Nutrients found that the cardiovascular health of men who consumed up to 13.5 ounces of Beer per week was better than that of men who did not drink alcohol. Thus apparently, moderate consumption may have a positive impact on the heart.

Although people suffering from diabetes are to strictly refrain from alcohol as it disturbs the insulin levels in the body, the meta-analysis observed that abstainers had a significantly higher risk of developing glucose sensitivity as compared to men who had Beer occasionally. Consumption of a moderate amount of beer may even act as protection against diabetes in men, the study found.

With a low alcohol level of 5 to 7 per cent, beer is rich in antioxidants and minerals which may aid in reducing the level of cholesterol, provided the intake is kept quite low. The antioxidants in beer may also help in reducing the cell damage caused due to oxidative stress.

The study associated low levels of beer consumption with lower risk of fractures, which was attributed to natural components in the drink that act actively with silicon to stimulate osteoblast cells, which further improves bone and teeth health.

The study ultimately states that beer has health benefits only when the consumption is kept low but is not a substitute for a balanced diet with regular exercise. Also, it is best for people with underlying ailments to avoid any alcoholic drinks or at least seek medical help before indulging in drinking. The study also states that one drink for women and maximum of two drinks for men is considered as a healthy intake.

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