Monsoon 2022: Jammu suffers amid swollen rivers, severe water-logging | ABP News

Most of the Jammu and Kashmir is facing the disastrous results of huge rainfall. Water-logging can…

Top morning headlines of the day | 29 July 2022 | ABP news

Srinagar-Jammu and Srinagar-Leh highways have been shut down due to consistent landslides. The incidents are a…

Top morning headlines of the day | 28 July 2022 | ABP News

Indian states have been struggling due to consistent rain. Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan are to…

Monsoon 2022: Students risk lives to reach schools amid HEAVY WATER LOGGING | ABP news

Students are bound to reach schools amid heavy water-logging and flooded streets. These children are actually…

Monsoon 2022: Tribal women uses dangerous path to fetch water after bridge collapses | ABP news

In a small village of Savarpada, Nashik in Maharashtra, the bridge made on top of…