Supertech Demolition in Noida: Dy CM Maurya Alleges ‘Corruption Under SP Regime’, Triggers Political Slugfest

The demolition of Supertech Twin Towers at Noida on Sunday has triggered a political slugfest in Uttar Pradesh with deputy chief minister Keshav Prasad Maurya alleging corrupt practices by the Samajwadi Party when it was in power in the state. Responding to the attack, the SP also accused the BJP of corruption and alleged that the owners of Supertech were “hand in glove” with the saffron party.

The two buildings were finally brought down as per orders of the Supreme Court after they were found to be in violation of building norms. Maurya said, “Noida’s Supertech Twin Towers project is a living proof of the Samajwadi Party’s corruption and anarchy. Today, under chief minister Yogi Adityanath, this illegal building that is a symbol of the SP’s misdeeds is being grounded. This is justice, this is good governance.”

The media cell of the SP was quick to react and, in a series of tweets, from its official Twitter handle wrote, “Listen Mr KP Maurya, the BJP responsible for the building of this corruption, because Supertech also gives donations to the BJP and the “broker” also does brokerage with the BJP… Swear that you did not take money from Supertech and are not a participant in its corruption?”

“The decision to raze the twin towers is of the court; the BJP was an ally in this crime and is now running away and blaming the opposition. Should we tell you and reveal names of BJP leaders involved in a “setting” with Supertech? You yourself are corrupt! When the corruption of the corrupt is caught, they attack others loudly…” tweeted the SP’s media cell.

The Supertech twin buildings were demolished on Sunday after explosives installed in them were detonated. The twin towers of Noida, among the 100 big buildings of the country, were an example of corruption where not only builders but government officials were also allegedly involved. The buyers fought a legal battle against Supertech for 10 years at the cost Rs 1 one crore. After this, first the high court and then the SC in August 2021, termed both towers as illegal and gave directions for their demolition.

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