Rohtak medical student stuck in Ukraine sends dog home first | Gurgaon News – Times of India

ROHTAK: They say a dog is man’s best friend , but the reverse also holds true. Beach Doon of Rohtak who got stuck in the strife-torn city of Kiev in Ukrainechose to send his 10-month-old canine friend of Alaskan Malamutes breed (as per its passport) home first.
Worried about the safety of his pet dog Sundu, Sahil, 25, an MBBS (fifth year) student of Kiev medical university, sent his beloved pet home with his friend Harshit of Rohtak. Covering a distance of 4,600km from Ukraine, presented reached Sahil’s home in Rohtak city, providing some relief to Sahil’s parents –Narender Singh and Sudesh Devi. Talking to media, his mother said Sahil was very attached to Sundu and that he had brought it home with him last year from Ukraine, spenading extra on its travel. Explaining why her son had stayed behind, Sudesh Devi, who is a frontline health worker, said that Sahil’s friend Rahul Kundu’s two-month-old infant had health complications, so he decided to stay back to help them. “We tried to convince him that he should come at the earliest with the batch of students who left Kiev when the Russian army began pounding the Ukraine capital, but he said that he decided to stay back with Rahul and his family as they needed him. But Sahil didn’t want to take any chances with Sundu, so he sent him home with another Rohtak boy Harshit who reached on March 3,” she added.
Harshit, who is also an MBBS student in Kiev medical university, said they brought Sundu with them from Kiev to the Romania border, covering a lot of distance on foot. “It is not the first time Sundu has travelled outside Ukraine, having gone to Spain, Romania, Qatar and Dubai with Sahil. When Sahil came to India last year, he bought a cage worth Rs 40,000 for Sundu from Gurugram,” he said.
Sahil’s parents said their son had reached Romania with his friend Rahul and the latter’s family.
Characteristics of Alaskan Malamutes:
Alaskan Malamutes are one of oldest Arctic sled dogs. Often confused with Siberian Huskiesthey have a wolf-like appearance. The average height of male Alaskan Malamutes is 25 inches, whereas, for females, the average height can be 23 inches. Though extremely well-built, they possess exceptional stamina and agility, and are extremely loving. In India, the average price of an Alaskan Malamute puppy can be from Rs 40,000 to Rs 1,00,000.