Political speculation: Special status to small states, Nitish Kumar started making Prime Minister-level promises from now

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  • Bhaskar Opinion Special Status To Small States, Nitish Kumar Started Making Prime Minister Level Promises From Now

2 hours ago

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Nitish Kumar’s love for the post of Prime Minister has risen again. They say that we are not in the race for the post of Prime Minister. We are throwing our strength in uniting the scattered opposition. On the other hand, in the latest statement, he said that if the government of opposition parties is formed in the elections of 2024 and if our alliance also wins good seats, then we will definitely give special status to all the smaller states.

It simply means that his desire to become Prime Minister is getting stronger again. The sprouts had sprouted long ago, now the season is going on for the crop. By the time 2024 approaches, Pad Prem will have reached its peak. However, there are still many thorns in their path.

Kejriwal’s preparations are going on in full swing. Maybe tomorrow if his AAP party forms the government in three or four states, then it will become the first claim after the BJP. On the other hand, Rahul Gandhi has set out on the India Jodo Yatra and he is also getting good support. In such a situation, where will Nitish Kumar come, only the future will tell. However, as far as is expected, the picture will become much clearer after the Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh elections.

As far as the communists are concerned, they do not come anywhere in this race. After Harkishan Singh Surjit, only Sitaram Yechury is seen or heard somewhere in the communists. None other than him. Where was there a time when communists used to hold 55 to 65 Lok Sabha seats across the country and they were in a position to form the government they wanted and topple the government they wanted. are nowhere today. However, they themselves are responsible for this.

In Indian politics, the Left’s inclination towards the Soviet Union (now the East) and China also created many bitter experiences. First Hitler’s attack on the Soviets gave harsh experiences and later in 1941 during the Second World War, the Indian communists are said to have made friendship with the British rulers and not even by giving a blow to the Indian independence movement. Had missed.

After this, it is said that under Stalin’s concept of the right of self-reliance, he continued to rationalize the fanatic demand of the Muslim League. Even during the Chinese invasion of 1962, he had shaken nationalist sentiments by supporting Beijing.

However, now the times have changed. …and the communists no longer have enough strength to be on any side and benefit it. However, Nitish Kumar is also taking Yechury along. After all, the help of straws to the fallen. Even four-five seats are of little help.

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