No. Of Hospitalized Patients In 1-digit | Vadodara News – Times of India

Vadodara: The number of hospitalized Covid-19 patients in the city and district went down to single digits with only five persons now admitted. The sudden fall is being attributed to correction of data at the end of hospitals. On Wednesday, out of the 21 positive cases, 14 persons were hospitalized. The number fell to five out of 20 active cases on Thursday. An official said the hospitals had not reported the discharge of patients. When inquiries were made with them on Thursday, it came to light that many had been discharged. Eventually, the data was streamlined by the VMC. The hospitalized patients now do not include any in a serious condition on BIPAP machines or ventilators. One more death was confirmed by the health officials on Thursday, taking the toll due to the pandemic to 757. It was after two weeks that a Covid death was reported. On Thursday, five new cases were reported in the city and district from 894 tests. These include three from the city and district. tnn