Indonesian group hacks into Israeli homes, gas and bus stations

A group of Indonesian hackers called “VulzSecTeam” published data from Israeli gas stations, bus stations and flights on Sunday via their Telegram channel, according to a report from Maariv.

They also hacked into Israeli home security cameras that were connected to the internet and published that information as well.

Israeli institutions have been the victims of a slew of hacking attacks in recent weeks.

The websites of Israel’s banks, the post office, the electricity company and the red alert warning app were struck by a cyberattack Friday, with some of the sites have gone offline, Israeli media reported.

The hacker group known as “Anonymous Sudan” has taken responsibility, claiming the targets are Israel Post as well as Bank Leumi, Discount Bank, Mizrahi-Tefahot, Bank Mercantile, Bank Benleumi (First International Bank of Israel) and its subsidiaries Bank Otzar Ha-hayal and Bank Massad, Ynet reported.

Bank Leumi (credit: REUTERS)

The Israel Post said their site was the victim of a Denial of Service (DoS) attack, which temporarily cut off access to the site, N12 reported.

Similar hacking events earlier in April

The same group, “Anonymous Sudan,” also attacked several Israeli media sites on April 5, including the Jerusalem Post‘s website. Other Israeli media websites that were attacked included KAN News, i24 and N12.

Also on April 5, Anonymous Sudan succeeded in hacking into Israeli cyber security company Checkpoint and United Hatzalah.

One day earlier, on April 4, a cyberattack whose exact source remains unknown targeted Tel Aviv University, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Haifa University, Weizmann Institute of Science, Open University of Israel and Reichman University (IDC).