How Jaipur’s Parth Khandelwal Secured Rank 10 in NEET UG 2023

Parth spent three years studying at the Allen Coaching Institute, putting emphasis on the value of customising study regimens to each student’s learning requirements.

He scored 90.6% in Class 12 and 95.6% in Class 10, respectively.

The highly anticipated NEET UG 2023 results were unveiled on Tuesday. With a staggering 21 lakh candidates who registered for the exam, the competition was intense. Of this immense number, a commendable 11.5 lakh candidates successfully qualified, marking a significant milestone in their pursuit of a medical career.

Parth spent three years studying at the Allen Coaching Institute, putting emphasis on the value of customizing study regimens to each student’s learning requirements. He studied for the medical entrance exam for twelve hours every day. It would seem that acing every examination comes naturally to Parth as this is not the first time he has secured exceptional marks in a test.

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He also passed his boards with flying colours. He scored 90.6% in Class 12 and 95.6% in Class 10, respectively. He is also a National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) scholar with a Stage-1 total state ranking of 33. Additionally, he won the top spot in the Rajasthan State Talent Search Examination (STSE). He took the NEET exam because of his intense enthusiasm for biology.

In a chat with The Indian Express, Parth said, “I also get motivated by my failures. There was one exam where my percentage was low. After scoring the lowest score, I made a resolution to work even harder.”

Parth largely credits his success to both the friendly company he kept and his sister who has inspired him. His sister Jhanvi is pursuing MBBS from SMS Medical College, Jaipur Parth Khandelwal found inspiration throughout his preparations in chats with his friends, which not only cleared his thoughts but also gave him the chance to explore topics and have fun.