Festive Fever 2023: Fitness Tips For The Festive Season That You Must Know

It’s very easy to fall behind on your fitness goals during the festive season but what is important to remember is to keep training and staying active. People think that they will focus on fitness after the festive season is over, but, it is more important to keep up with it during the festive season itself and maintain your progress. If you think you can’t keep up with your current exercise routine, you can set smaller and realistic goals for yourself as long as you are staying active. 

Challenges that Fitness Enthusiasts May Face During Festive Season:

During the festive season, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be quite a challenge for those who are active and health-conscious. Here are some common hurdles suggested by Dr Prakash Dagre, who is the Head – Physiotherapy, at Sahyadri Super Speciality Hospital, Hadapsar, Pune, that people often encounter

  • Tempting Indulgences: The abundance of tempting sweets, desserts, and festive snacks can be hard to resist. The pressure to partake in these high-calorie treats can lead to overindulgence.
  • Social and Family Commitments: Many find it difficult to make it to the gym due to social and family gatherings that dominate the festive season.
  • Weight Gain and Fatigue: Late-night eating, combined with a lack of sleep, can result in weight gain and an overall feeling of lethargy and tiredness.

To overcome these challenges, it’s essential to stick to a few key principles during this festive period as mentioend by Dr Prakash Dagre:

  • Short Workouts and Stretches: Incorporate short workout routines and stretches into your daily routine to stay active. Even if you can’t make it to the gym, you can still exercise at home for at least 20 minutes every day.
  • Hydration is Key: Drink plenty of water and opt for natural fruit juices to stay hydrated. This will help you maintain your energy levels and make healthier choices when it comes to festive treats.
  • Mindful Eating: Be mindful of your food choices. While it’s okay to enjoy some sweets, opt for alternatives made with natural sugars like dates, palm or coconut sugar, and honey. 
  • Stay Active: Avoid sitting for extended periods during parties or gatherings. Instead, hit the dance floor, engage in activities, or play with kids and friends to keep moving.
  • Variety in Exercise: Incorporate a variety of physical activities beyond your regular workouts. Consider swimming, water sports, trekking, hiking, cycling, or even a game of tennis. Focus on stretching, working your core muscles, and getting some cardio, rather than solely relying on heavy weights.

Key to a successful festive season is striking a balance between enjoying the festivities and maintaining your fitness goals. By staying active, making mindful food choices, and prioritizing your health, we can ensure that the calorie output-input ratio remains in check, allowing us to revel in the joy of the season without compromising your well-being.

Hacks To Stay Fit During Festive Season:

Drishti Chhabria, who is the Chief Experience Officer at Orangetheory Fitness India said, “You can get creative to stay active so that you get your body moving and find new ways to stay in shape. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator or engage in household chores to increase your daily movement goal. In case you are not able to make it to the gym, you can incorporate a walk outdoors to feel the festive mood or walk around while shopping or doing chores to prepare for the festive season to get movement into your day. A quick home workout or simply getting your heart rate up will boost your mood and relieve stress as well to be able to handle the stress and tasks during the festive season.”

“Being careful about your food intake will also help you stay on track. It is important to ensure you don’t skip any meals so that you don’t end up indulging or binging later. Skipping meals would lead to your metabolism slowing down or causing you to feel sluggish or anxious later, which will eventually lead to weight gain even if you are eating the same amount of food. Simple ways to be on top of it is to plan your meals ahead of time and ensure you are eating protein rich food so that you are tracking what you eat and less likely to overindulge,” she went on to say.

“To ensure you get your workout in, you can plan and prepare ahead of time by setting a time for yourself and a schedule according to all other tasks and festivities during this time. Put it in your calendar or agenda for the day, the same way you would put your festive gathering on your agenda or to-do list. When you prepare and schedule your workout, you set yourself up for success. By laying out your clothes for your workout the next morning or planning the timing of your workout, you are more likely to stick to a routine and follow through with your workout. The best way to workout when you are in a crunch for time is to incorporate interval training into your routine. These workouts will allow you to burn higher calories through high intensity intervals and won’t take up too much time as you only need to get your heart rate up for a small amount of your workout. Interval training and high intensity workouts take short amounts of time and can be done very efficiently to maximize your time and day,” she added.

Tips On How To Manage Your Weight During The Festive Season:

It’s a time of year when there are many family get-togethers, feasts, and parties, and it’s simple to overindulge in the delicious treats and fatty foods that are everywhere. While it’s important to make the most of this time, it’s equally important to achieve a balance and successfully control your weight so that you don’t struggle with extra weight in the new year. 

Aminder Singh who is the Founder of Team Aminder mentioned the following:

1. Stay Active and Engage in Physical Activities:

Engaging in leisurely pursuits like playing cards or spending hours on the couch is a classic pitfall during the holiday season. Rather than succumbing to this sedentary temptation, create enjoyable activities that include some level of mobility. Plan backyard competitions for your family to play football, frisbee, or badminton. Encourage your loved ones to participate, making it a fun and beneficial opportunity to connect over the holidays. Along with keeping you active, these activities provide you the chance to make enduring memories with your friends and family.

Moreover, think about offering to help with physical labor-intensive duties like setting up decorations or assisting with meal prep. Every little bit of exercise adds up and helps balance out the excess calories you might eat during holiday feasts.

2. Portion Control, Not Food Avoidance:

It’s a frequent notion that some meals should be completely avoided throughout the holiday season. But rather than outright avoidance, it’s more about moderation and portion management. Giving up your favorite holiday delicacies can result in overeating later. Instead, give yourself permission to indulge in lesser servings of these delicious delicacies.

Give veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains priority when choosing what to put on your meal. You can feel content and full with less calories if you choose one of these nutrient-rich meals. Allow yourself to enjoy a limited amount of delicious foods guilt-free. Just keep in mind that controlling your portion sizes is more important than restricting your diet.

3. Maintain Consistent Exercise:

Our everyday schedules, including our fitness habits, are frequently disrupted over the Christmas season. It’s simple to completely skip exercises when you have travel plans and a busy schedule. To manage your weight, it’s important to stay consistent with your fitness program—even throughout the holiday season.

Instead of completely stopping your routines, modify them to fit your needs. Choose workouts that are 20 to 25 minutes long and high-intensity. Bodyweight exercises, circuit training, and tabata workouts are all great choices for quick and efficient workouts that keep your fitness levels high. Even small bursts of action, like brisk walks, quick bodyweight exercises, can be done throughout the day. Making time in your day for exercise can keep you accountable and prevent you from completely skipping your workouts.

4. Prioritize Hydration:

People frequently forget to drink enough water over the holiday season, especially when alcohol is abundant at gatherings. Alcohol has a diuretic effect, which means it increases urine production and can cause the loss of vital fluids from your body, which can result in dehydration.

Make hydration a priority in an effort to combat this. Make it a point to hydrate yourself throughout the day, especially if you intend to drink alcohol. Alternating between alcohol and water helps keep you hydrated while also limiting your alcohol consumption. To consume fewer calories, take into account selecting beverages with fewer calories or without alcohol.

A Holistic Approach to Festive Wellness: Nourishing Your Mind, Body, and Home:

Luke Coutinho, who is the Co-founder of You Care Lifestyle listed down the benefits of a holistic approach to festive wellness and shared some tips on how to nourish your mind, body, and home during the festive season.

  • Manage Stress: Prioritize Your Peace of Mind

Amid the hustle and bustle of festivities, remember to prioritize your peace of mind. Take breaks, practice mindfulness, and engage in relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation.

  • Go for Ethically Sourced and Chemical-Free Healthy Indulgence

Indulging in festive treats is a tradition we all cherish. One way to do this is by following a healthy eating plan that focuses on nourishing your body with nutrient-dense foods. This could include incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources, and healthy fats into your diet. Also, choose sweets and savouries that are not only delicious but also ethically sourced and free from harmful refined sugar, palm oil, and any hidden harmful preservatives. eventually, your taste buds and your fitness will thank you.

  • Clean Beauty Rituals to Follow: Nourish Your Skin & Hair

Your skin and hair deserve some festive pampering too. Embrace clean beauty rituals by choosing skincare and cosmetics that are free from harsh chemicals like parabens, sulphates, SLS, artificial fragrances, and so on. The products without harmful ingredients are gentle on your skin and promote a natural, radiant glow. They are also good for your gut health.

This festive season, let’s remember that wellness extends beyond our physical health. It encompasses every aspect of our lives, from our mental and emotional well-being to the impact we have on the environment.