Driver’s nap due to Uttarakhand accident: Bolero driver behind the bus claims – the bus first came off the road, then fell into the ditch

Bhopal13 minutes agoAuthor: Rohit Srivastava

In Uttarakhand, 26 people were killed when a bus full of pilgrims fell into a gorge on Sunday night. Among them were 25 people from Panna district of Madhya Pradesh. The Bolero driver, who was driving behind that bus (just 20 meters away), is the first eyewitness who witnessed the entire accident. He first called the police and informed. Read the full story of Bolero driver Om Prakash Dobriyal’s word of the accident…

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It was around 6.43 pm on Sunday evening. I was only 25 meters behind the bus of pilgrims. There was absolutely no traffic from Yamunotri side. The road was clear. The speed of the bus must have been between 20-25 kms. I am saying this because the speed of my car was also around this. My only car was behind the bus. I was walking in front of that bus till around 6 pm before Damta RTO check post. At the RTO check post, me and the driver of the bus of the pilgrims got the documents checked together. The bus left for Yamunotri 2 minutes before the departure of my train from the check post.

Everything was normal till now. The bus was moving ahead and my car behind. Right now Damta had walked only 3 to 4 kilometers from the RTO check post. Suddenly the driver dropped the bus down the road, that too near the turning point. The road is about 14 to 16 feet wide at this point. In this, only 8 feet wide road is pucca (asphalt). I thought the driver wanted to stop the bus. By the time I could understand something, the bus fell into the ditch on the left side of the road. Seeing the bus falling, I stopped my car. First of all called on dial 100 of Uttarakhand Police. When the number came busy, at 6.45 pm, calling the ambulance 108 and informed about the incident.

A bus full of pilgrims fell into a gorge in Uttarakhand on Sunday night. In this 26 died.

There was silence on the road. There was no vehicle coming from the front, nor was there any vehicle behind my car. The bus of the pilgrims going ahead had fallen into a deep gorge. Looking at the accident, I can say that the bus fell into the ditch due to the driver taking a nap or the steering failure of the bus. It is false to say that the accident occurred while giving way to the bus coming from the front and overtaking.

The emergency ambulance stayed at the scene for about 30 minutes after calling 108. During this, MLAs of a party passing through here also reached. I do not know them. The police arrived about 25 minutes after the ambulance called the call center. After that I started my further journey.

Medical technician bid – the biggest accident ever
Emergency medical technician Rishika, who treated the injured woman in the bus accident, said that on June 5, at 6.45 pm, an emergency call was received from the ambulance control room. It was said that a bus full of passengers has fallen in the Rikau Khad of Uttarkashi. Many people have been injured. Arrive immediately. My duty was in an ambulance stationed at Nainbagh Point in Uttarkashi district. The spot was about 25 km from here. The EMT rushed to the spot along with Kuldeep and the driver of the ambulance. It took about 40 minutes to reach the spot. The reason was more turning on the road. Rishika says that between Damta to Nainbagh, the bus fell into the ditch is the biggest accident ever.

Rishika, an emergency medical technician from Dehradun, said that on June 5, at 6.45 pm, an emergency call was received from the ambulance control room.  We immediately left with an ambulance.

Rishika, an emergency medical technician from Dehradun, said that on June 5, at 6.45 pm, an emergency call was received from the ambulance control room. We immediately left with an ambulance.

I descended into the ditch to rescue the injured
According to Rishika, the bus had fallen into a ditch about 400 meters below the road. The injured had fallen at different places. It was half past seven in the evening. Darkness was increasing rapidly. I descended into the ditch to rescue the injured. Police and disaster management team already present here brought an injured woman. The woman had injuries on her head, arms and legs. There was blood pouring over the eyes. The woman’s blood pressure was not getting tested. Oxygen level was down. Immediately the woman was given oxygen. Get on the road with the help of police and disaster management team. Here the woman was stabilized by giving necessary medicines and admitted to the government hospital in Damta. After this, one by one the ambulances kept coming and going.

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