Child abused teacher by taking ideas from porn: 46-year-old woman accused of sexual harassment for failing, after three years open secret

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  • 46 year old Woman Accused Of Sexual Harassment For Failing, After Three Years Open Secret

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The hallmark of how porn videos affect the delicate minds of children has been seen in Britain. Where after watching videos of age-old women on porn sites, a 15-year-old student started having dirty thoughts about his teacher. He also abused a female teacher three times his age in school. The fan of porn videos got on his mind so much that he himself started thinking of doing the same.

After the female teacher refused, the minor on the contrary accused her of sexual harassment. The female teacher fought for 3 years to prove her innocence. The police, the school staff and the media had all accepted the child’s words as true. Finally, after spending 40 lakh rupees on lawyers and court trials, the court has convicted the female teacher. In the investigation, it was found that the child had hatched the whole conspiracy by watching porn.

A minor committed a dirty act by getting lost in the world of porn

The case is of 2019. Rebecca Whiteerts, 46, taught modern language at a school in Greater Manchester. Most of the children in his class were between 14 and 16 years old. Out of this, a 15-year-old boy started staring dirty at him. He was a student porn addict. From there he got this idea. On the pretext of help, he started talking to teacher Rebecca on the school email id. Gradually he joined them on social media.

Then suddenly one day the boy tells Rebecca that he loves her. When Rebecca refused, he started abusing her frequently. Whenever Rebecca was alone in class, he would try to touch her. Once he slapped Rebecca in private and spit on her face. He found it all romantic, which he had learned by watching porn.

Rebecca was not able to tell this to anyone even after wanting it. He knew that no one would believe these antics of such a young boy to be true. The boy would constantly send him links to porn videos in which older women were. He also used to send his nude photos.

Reality came out after three years of struggle, everyone believed Rebecca guilty

Tired of the dirty antics of her student, Rebecca had made up her mind to leave the job. But the mother of two children had the responsibility of running the family, due to which she was not able to do so. According to a report in ‘The Sunday Times’ published from London, Rebecca never lived alone in school due to fear of the boy. The minor used to pressurize them to meet outside the school.

But one day Rebecca’s patience was answered. He told everything to his senior teacher. On the advice of the school administration, Rebecca lodged a complaint with the police.

In the very first meeting with the police, Rebecca learns that the boy has also accused her of sexual abuse and sending nude photos. The police also questioned Rebecca. Almost everyone began to blame Rebecca for sexually abusing the boy.

Rebecca remained mentally disturbed throughout the investigation.  But now after being proved innocent, she wants to leave the teaching profession and start a new one.

Rebecca remained mentally disturbed throughout the investigation. But now after being proved innocent, she wants to leave the teaching profession and start a new one.

Reality revealed in investigation but no action will be taken against the boy

The investigation of the case went on for three years. After which the court found Rebecca innocent in the whole case. On rigorous interrogation, the minor also spewed the truth. The boy admitted in court that he had committed atrocities with his teacher and made a false allegation for fear of being caught. She could not hold back her tears when the judge pronounced Rebecca innocent.

Rebecca doesn’t want to go to school ever again. He has made up his mind to leave the teaching profession.

Even after the truth comes out in the court, the police has no intention of taking action against the minor accused. However, if Rebecca was found guilty in this case, she would have been given a sentence of up to 14 years according to UK law.

In the investigation, the minor student has been found guilty of abusing the teacher and making false allegations.  But the school administration and police have no intention of taking action against him.

In the investigation, the minor student has been found guilty of abusing the teacher and making false allegations. But the school administration and police have no intention of taking action against him.

Online porn content is making the minds of children dirty

In a research paper titled ‘Pornography and the Sexual Socialization of Children’, International Academy of Sex Research expert Paul J Wright detailed the effects of porn on children. After collecting data from around the world, Paul came to the conclusion that porn has a more negative effect on children than on adults. After watching porn, the idea of ​​having the same sex behavior in their mind comes more than the elders.

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