Adopt Amsterdam Model To Preserve Heritage Areas: Expert | Mysuru News – Times of India

Mysuru: Urban conservationist Kulbhushan Jain has suggested that the authorities may adopt the Amsterdam model to preserve the core heritage areas and structures in Mysuru city. He opposed the demolition and reconstruction of the heritage structures.
“Mysuru can learn very little from any cities in the country on preserving the core heritage areas and adopting good conservation practices. We cannot turn any old city into a museum. Conserving the heritage in the living cities is a big challenge. Regulations can be formed to preserve the overall character of a heritage city and allow people to develop it as well,” observed the chairperson (theory & design), faculty of architecture, CEPT University, Ahmedabad.
“Mysuru has a tremendous tourism potential because of its heritage and the weather. But there should be some tourism plan by the experts/organisations. There should be details of specific destinations within the city to promote tourism,” he said.
Opposing the plans to demolish the heritage structures and rebuild them, he said:“Elements of the new buildings will not be heritage. Let the original be there. They should be conserved”.
On the proposed ropeway to the Chamundi Hills and the works taken up under several schemes including Prasad, he stated that conservation v/s development is a worldwide debate. “Instead of confrontation, we must engage in negotiations. We need to build around nature instead of conflict with heritage,” he said.
“Chamundi temple alone is not heritage. Unesco accepts natural heritage as world heritage. It is a sensitive matter. Several matters must be taken into consideration. Local authorities, citizens should take a decision after consultation,” he opined.
On the demolition of the heritage buildings owned by private persons in the protected areas, he stated that many countries resolved this issue by subsidising the value lost to the property owners.