73 handles, four YouTube channels blocked by IT ministry – Times of India

NEW DELHI: The IT ministry has suspended 73 Twitter handles, four YouTube channels and one game on Instagram for inciteful content, mainly centred around a fake video of a purported Cabinet meeting.
The handles are believed to have emanated out of Pakistan, sources said, adding the steps were initiated after Twitter users had complained to IT junior minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar.
The first information about the inciteful video was shared on the Twitter handle of Chandrasekhar where a Twiiter user requested him to “take action against the creators of a very violent video that features the PM”.
Junior minister for electronics and IT Rajeev Chandrasekhar said that the “fake and violent” video had been in the public domain since December 2020. Responding to the request, the minister said, “On the job”, and added that the IT ministry takes its responsibility to keep internet safe and trusted, and the intermediaries (social media companies) accountable for content and due diligence “very seriously”.
Later, Chandrasekhar said that the Task Force on Safe and Trusted Internet had worked on the matter. “Handles that tried to push fake/inciting content on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram have been blocked.” Also, he said owners of the accounts were being identified for action as per the law. The minister also said that the ministry will review the performance of platforms on their due diligence.
