YouTube Eases Profanity Guidelines For Creators, Making It Less Likely For Videos To Be ‘Demonetized’

YouTube has introduced new guidelines surrounding profanity in videos. (Image: Reuters)

YouTube eases profanity guidelines for creators, allowing limited use of swear words but policies beyond 15-second intro remain unclear.

Following complaints from content creators, YouTube has introduced a new set of guidelines easing the use of profanity in videos. Previously, creators  who used excessive profanity in the first 15-20 seconds of their videos or throughout the runtime of the video content—were subject to having their ability to monetize limited or eliminated altogether.

Also, there were no clear rules about how much swearing was permissible. The new guidelines, which will be put into effect moving forward, were revealed in a ‘Profanity Update’ video on the Creator Insider channel—but the response has been mixed by the creator community—citing pending clarity surrounding restrictions and old rules.

As per the guidelines outlined in the Creator Insider video, using the f-word in the opening seven seconds of a video or throughout the majority of it may result in limited ad revenue for creators. However, if creators limit their use of lesser swear words, they are more likely to be able to fully monetize their videos.

Beyond the 15-second introduction, the new language policies on YouTube are still unclear. Profanity is allowed in music, backing tracks, and video intros that are intended to be sold. Also, older content may be examined, and any changes made will be communicated to the creators.

According to The Verge, YouTube revised its policies about advertiser-friendly content late last year. The new rules specified that videos featuring cursing inside the first 15 seconds could be ‘demonetized,’ which would imply that no advertisements would run on these videos, significantly restricting the ability of the authors to make money.

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