World Wushu Championship gold medalist Sadia Tariq said: It is a privilege to win a gold medal by playing under the tricolor

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  • Women
  • Said It Is A Matter Of Good Fortune To Win The Gold Medal By Playing Under The Tricolor

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Indian Wushu player Sadia Tariq has won gold medal for the country. He received this honor on Friday in Moscow, the capital of Russia. 15-year-old Sadia, a resident of Srinagar, has been a junior national champion for the last two years. But his journey till here was not easy. People used to tell his father that this is a girl, don’t feed it. But Sadia proved them all wrong and showed that I can fight as a girl. On his success, PM Narendra Modi has congratulated him by tweeting.

Sadia proved everyone wrong and showed that I can fight as a girl.

Sadia proved everyone wrong and showed that I can fight as a girl.

wushu is a fighting game
Wushu is a fighting game. Wushu is an ancient sport that originated in China. It looks like wrestling or boxing. In this, players in dress wear gloves in their hands and helmet on their head, which looks like boxing.

It is a matter of great luck to play under the tricolor
He was accorded a grand welcome at Delhi’s IGI Airport on his return to India after winning a gold medal in the Moscow Wushu Stars competition. He was welcomed by his father Tariq Lone and other family members and friends. Sadia said, it is a great privilege to play under the tricolor. Sadia, a resident of Srinagar, won the gold medal by defeating a local player in the junior category final. Junior and Senior India teams participated in the championship.

Won gold medal in Moscow Wushu Stars Competition

Won gold medal in Moscow Wushu Stars Competition

Parents ask their children to participate in sports
Saadia Tariq says that, ‘I don’t want to be a doctor or an engineer, my dream is to represent my country in the Olympics and win a gold medal. Sports keep us away from mental pains like anxiety, stress and depression. I want all the parents of the Valley to encourage their children to take an active part in sports. For girls to show their talent, the government should encourage them and provide a platform.

'I don't want to be a doctor or an engineer, my dream is to represent my country in the Olympics and win a gold medal.

‘I don’t want to be a doctor or an engineer, my dream is to represent my country in the Olympics and win a gold medal.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated on the victory
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also congratulated Sadia Tariq on this victory. PM Modi wrote on Twitter, ‘Congratulations to Sadia Tariq on winning the gold medal in the Moscow Wushu Stars Championship. His success will inspire many budding athletes. Wishing them all the very best for their future endeavours.

Former sports minister and silver medalist in 2004 Athens Olympics Rajvardhan Singh Rathore also congratulated Tariq. He wrote, “Congratulations to Saadia Tariq on winning gold at the Moscow Wushu Stars Championship. The daughters of India keep shining.

Law Minister Kiren Rijiju said, “Congratulations to Saadia Tariq on her excellent performance and winning the gold medal at the Moscow Wushu Stars Championship. He made India proud! Sadia Tariq from Kashmir was a two-time Junior National Wushu Champion! The Sports Authority of India has accepted the recommendations of the Wushu Association of India to nominate the best potential players of the Youth Asian Games at the National Center of Excellence.

There is also an atmosphere of happiness in Kashmir
There is an atmosphere of happiness in Jammu and Kashmir with the achievement of Sadia Tariq. Sadia’s father Tariq Lone is a cameraman in the media. Father Lone says that it is not only Sadia’s medal, but hers too. Sadia is one of the five wushu players from Jammu and Kashmir who are being trained for the Youth Asian Games to be held in China in December.

He joined Taekwondo class at the age of 3.  After that his mind was engaged in Wushu game and he thought of making his career in it.

He joined Taekwondo class at the age of 3. After that his mind was engaged in Wushu game and he thought of making his career in it.

Sadia Tariq is a resident of Srinagar
Sadia was born on June 30, 2006 in Srinagar. His father’s name is Tariq Ahmed Lone, Cameraman in India Today Group, and his mother’s name is Maimona.

Taekwondo class started from the age of 3
He got his early education from Jammu and Kashmir. He joined Taekwondo class at the age of 3. After that his mind was engaged in Wushu game and he thought of making his career in it. She is currently studying in 10th standard at Presentation Convent School, Rajbagh Srinagar. The parents wanted their daughter to play internationally for the country one day, so she made it her dream.

training was stopped due to corona
In the last few years, due to the prevailing conditions in Srinagar and Corona, their preparations had stopped. She could not go to the academy for training. It seemed that she would ever be able to play or not, but her parents, her coach Rameez and national coach Kuldeep Handu kept encouraging her and today she has also won gold medal.

Children of Jammu and Kashmir move ahead
Sadia’s father Lone says that it is not only Sadia’s medal, but hers too. Now I want the children of Jammu and Kashmir to progress well. Win gold for the country and bring glory to the country and state along with your parents.

People say it’s a girl, ‘don’t feed it’
Sadia’s father told that creating a sports environment for the daughter was not an easy task. When Sadia told me that Papa, I want to play this game. So at first I felt strange, there is such an atmosphere in Kashmir that when a girl goes to play, people say – she is a girl, don’t feed her.

With the support of parents, the child will grow
But all these things were not going to make any difference to me, because I was sure that if I stayed with Sadia, my daughter would go ahead. The child will progress only when there is the support of the parents. The most difficult thing for a girl is to get out of the house. For which the support of parents becomes very important.

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