World – How did Liz Truss spend her last weekend as UK PM? Here’s the answer – #INA – INA News Agancy

British Prime Minister Liz Truss has resigned from her post after open rebellion in the Conservative Party. Meanwhile, it is now being told that as the Prime Minister of Britain, Liz Truss spent her last weekend partying. According to the information, Liz Truss had a party with party ministers in her mansion on Saturday. According to the report, the staff of Downing Street were also shedding tears due to the resignation of Liz. However, during this time Liz Truss said “Don’t worry, I am relieved that it is over.”
According to the Mirror report, Liz Truss told Downing Street staff, at least I was prime minister. Truss remained prime minister for only 45 days. This is the shortest tenure of any British Prime Minister. Truss gave an 89-second speech announcing his resignation. Meanwhile, the development of former Indian-origin finance minister Rishi Sunak re-entering the race for the post of British Prime Minister is being seen as the most notable political comeback in British politics.
Rishi Sunak joined the race for PM
Rishi Sunak, who was defeated by Liz Truss in the race for the post of Prime Minister last month, once again formally joined the race for the post of Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister. This time he is arguably in the face of even more seriousness as most of his warnings were dismissed by outgoing Prime Minister Liz Truss as a sense of hopelessness.
Sunak’s warnings have proved to be true in the wake of the slowdown in the economy due to the decisions of the infamous mini budget. Rishi Sunak, a former investment banker and graduate of Oxford and Stanford University, was elected Member of Parliament from the Tory stronghold of Richmond in Yorkshire in 2015 and quickly rose from junior minister to finance minister.
Last month, then British Foreign Minister Liz Truss replaced Boris Johnson as prime minister by defeating former Indian-origin finance minister Rishi Sunak in a contest for the Conservative Party leadership. Then Truss got 57.4 percent and Sunak got 42.6 percent of the votes. During the nearly eight-week long election campaign for the post of Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak had said, “We know that UK-India relations are important. We represent the living bridge between our two countries.
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