World Health Day 2022: Date, History, Theme and Significance

With a raging pandemic and other dangerous diseases, it is all the more important to be aware of your health.

WHO’s objective is to partner with governments across the globe to ensure that every person has access to basic health facilities.

Ideal health includes not just physical but also mental and social well-being. A person must possess all three if he or she wants to live life to its fullest. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is fundamental to human happiness and well-being. Healthy people are also very important to a nation-state as they are an asset to their country. They tend to be more productive and contribute significantly to economic advancement.

Poverty and dreadful diseases adversely affect the health of millions of people all over the world. WHO observes World Health Day every year on April 7, to spread awareness about the importance of general health and well-being around the world.

WHO is responsible for providing leadership concerning health issues around the world and it shapes the research, policies, and trends related to global health. WHO’s objective is to partner with governments across the globe to ensure that every person has access to basic health facilities. The purpose of celebrating this day is to discuss global health and make people health conscious.

The theme of World Health Day 2022

With a raging pandemic and other dangerous diseases, it is all the more important to be aware of your health. Therefore, the importance of World Health Day has increased even more. This year, the theme of World Health Day is ‘Our planet, our health’. This year’s theme aims to focus global attention on the overall well-being of our planet and the people living on it.

History of World Health Day

First World Health Assembly was convened by WHO in 1948. The assembly called for the establishment of a World Health Day and consequently, the first World Health Day was held on April 7, 1950. The day has been observed on that date every year thereafter.

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