Woman jumps from 3rd floor of building surrounded by fire, VIDEO: Fire broke out due to short circuit in Nawada, woman’s condition critical

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  • Property Worth 50 Lakhs Burnt To Ashes, Woman Saved Her Life By Jumping In Nawada; Bihar Bhaskar Latest News

Nawada32 minutes ago

A massive fire broke out in a 4-storey house in Nawada, Bihar due to a short circuit in the market. A woman jumped down from the third floor to escape. The condition of the woman is serious. Some people also got scorched in extinguishing the fire.

A video has also surfaced of a woman jumping from a building engulfed in flames. The clothes shop was also gutted in the fire. According to the victim’s family, there has been a loss of Rs 50 lakh. The case pertains to Kadirganj market of Nawada. The fire broke out due to a short circuit in the four-storey building here at around 8 pm on Monday.

See in the pictures the woman jumping and saving her life.

short circuit fire

Surendra Kesari’s family lives in a four-storey family house. 7 members of the family got engulfed in the fire. Everyone managed to get out except Soman (28). Sonam hanged from the third floor with the help of a window. She jumped to save her life. The fire was so fierce that even the cloth shop caught fire.

firefighters extinguished the fire

The local people informed the brigade and the police. The fire brigade reached the spot tried to control the fire. Panic spread among the people. People came out of the surrounding houses. The fire could be controlled after about 2 hours of effort.

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