Woman gets Rs 1,500 an hour to watch porn videos for research

New Delhi: In exchange for a handsome payment, a 22-year-old woman from Scotland was hired by an internet company to just view porn for study. Rebecca Dickson, a Greenock native, was chosen as Bedbible’s Head of Porn Research out of 90,000 candidates. Her new job pays her $20 per hour (Rs 1,500).

The investigation was started by Bedbible, an ethical sex site, in order to obtain a deeper understanding of the porn industry. Read More: International Yoga Day 2022: Top 7 apps for yoga enthusiasts

The job entails obtaining data and information on a variety of topics, including sex positions, duration, number of orgasms, male vs. female ratio, and language distribution. Read More: Post Office Scheme: Invest Rs 417 everyday to become a millionaire, here’s how

According to a New York Post report, the 22-year-old is earning roughly three times the federal minimum wage in the United States. She’ll have to collect data from pornographic videos for Bedbible in order to prepare a “in-depth study regarding pornographic habits and statistics.”

“I saw it and thought that was just the ideal job, who wouldn’t want to get paid to watch porn? I’m honestly shocked that I was picked for the job as I’m from a small town where not much happens, so it’s a great opportunity and I’m glad to be a part of the project,” said Rebecca.

Rebecca’s first duty, according to the New York Post, was to watch Pornhub’s 100 most-watched videos and take notes on the duration and sex positions featured in them.

She also needs to take notes on the hair colour distribution, language distribution, fetishes, and role-plays seen in the clips.

Rebecca replied the work is ‘ideal’ for her and that she is the proper match for the position when asked about her background.

“It’s the ideal position for me.” I’m a very outgoing, open-minded person. “I’m not opposed to trying anything new,” she stated.

“It’s a very different endeavour than I’m used to, but I enjoyed the fresh challenge, and it was a job that was tailor-made for me.” “It was exciting to investigate a subject that is shrouded in shame, and this article opens up new perspectives on the sector,” she added.