When I fell in love, I became a girl from a boy: taking money from me, he got married for the second time, his wife is ready to stay with him, but she is not ready

Kaushambi3 minutes agoAuthor: Rajesh Sahu

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Kaushambi is the neighboring district of Prayagraj. It is about the year 2018. Here a simple boy Rahul was standing on the stage with scared eyes. That boy loved to dress up like girls since childhood. He was just like a boy in appearance, but a complete girl inside. The lights went on on the stage. There was a crowd in front. After some time the song starts, “Rab jo chahe wahi to hona hai, aadmi toyo hai.” Rahul started dancing.

While dancing, Rahul’s eyes met Santosh, the sound engineer there. Both fell in love and got married. At the behest of Santosh, Rahul got his gender changed. He became a girl and named her Ragini. After this Santosh remarried and refused to live with Ragini. When Ragini reaches the police, Santosh is threatening to kill her. Dainik Bhaskar’s team met Ragini to know the whole matter. Let us know his whole story from the beginning…

Since childhood, I loved dancing wearing my mother’s saree.
Rahul was born in Dulhaniapur of Kaushambi. Rahul has 3 elder brothers and 4 elder sisters. From childhood, Rahul got the most love in the family. He loved to dance. Whenever no one was in the house, he would wrap his mother’s saree, look at himself in the mirror and start dancing. As soon as someone comes home, he would keep all his things and sit down to study.

Rahul also went to school everyday like other children. Dreaming Growing up, he wanted to be a hero. But his dream could never be fulfilled. When he grew up a bit, his body language started changing. His gait was different from the rest of the boys. The voice changed. That boy of nine-ten years did not know that the changes in him are different from the rest.

My family members used to fight for me, so I left home
Some time passed. He himself could not understand what was happening with Rahul. One day when Rahul went out in the locality, some boys started laughing at his antics. A boy shouted – Hey sixes. Rahul says that at that time I felt very bad. I cried a lot after coming home. Till then I did not know the meaning of this word.

Rahul says that I do not remember many stories of those days. Both my boys and girls were friends. We all used to play together. Whenever a girl touched me while playing, I did not feel anything, but if a boy touched me, I would get goosebumps. When my demeanor changed, my friends also left me.

He says that even in the house, quarrels started about me. Troubled by this, I left my house. Leaving home, I started living with eunuchs in Manjhanpur. Here no one teases me or insults me. I started liking it here.

Saw Santosh for the first time when she was dancing on stage
Rahul tells that gradually I settled among eunuchs. I used to dance well, so my guru asked me to perform on stage. He told that I will also get money from this. I was very happy that now I will get to do some work. Guru would tell me the place and I would go there and dance. People clapped a lot. I started liking this job very much.

Rahul told Bhaskar's journalist (in yellow shirt) that everyone used to praise my dance a lot.  Santosh also liked my dance.

Rahul told Bhaskar’s journalist (in yellow shirt) that everyone used to praise my dance a lot. Santosh also liked my dance.

One day there was a program at Kaushambi. I woke up in the morning Dance practice for the whole day program. When evening came, I started getting ready. That day I wore a green lehenga. Dressed up, I reached the stage. I danced on 5 songs back to back. People sitting in front were liking my dance a lot. While dancing, I caught sight of Satish aka Santosh, the sound engineer there.

Rahul tells that when I was dancing on the stage, I saw Santosh, the sound engineer there. Every time my eyes fell on him, he was only looking at me. Santosh came to me after the program was over. He also took my phone number on the pretext of taking the numbers of all the dancers. He said that there will be a need to talk to everyone in future programs, so I am saving my number in everyone’s phone.

Santosh and I became friends, we fell in love
Rahul tells that one day I was sitting at home when my phone rang. Santosh was on the phone. He started asking about me. That day we talked for about half an hour. After that his phone started coming often. He takes care of me. Tried to know my likes and dislikes. I also started liking talking to him. We started seeing each other. We started roaming together, started eating and drinking together. For that now I started grooming my long hair. Whenever I had to meet him, I would wear my best clothes. Slowly we fell in love with each other.

he raped me then married me
Rahul tells that one day I slept in my room. Santosh came after drinking beer and misbehaved with me in the night. In the morning I told him why did you do this to me? what will i do now At that time Santosh said, I love you very much. i want to marry you When I refused him, he started saying that if you do not marry me, I will consume poison. After that I agreed.

Rahul marries Santosh in the temple.  After that they started living together.

Rahul marries Santosh in the temple. After that they started living together.

In a temple in Prayagraj, Santosh got married by fulfilling Rahul’s demand. From here Rahul’s name became Ragini. Now Ragini used to dance on the stage, if there was a child in someone’s house, she would go there and dance. Whatever money she got, she would bring it and give it to Santosh. Santosh’s family members also knew that these two live together, but no one ever raised any objection. Both remained as husband and wife.

By taking one and a half lakh rupees from me, he changed me from a boy to a girl.
Someone told Santosh that gender change can be done. He decided that he would change the gender of Ragini and make her a girl. He told Ragini about it. Took Rs 1.5 lakh cash from Ragini. Took her somewhere and got her gender changed. We asked Ragini where he was taken, do you remember anything?

Ragini tells, I used to be unwell at that time. Santosh had taken me somewhere by train. That journey took about 12 hours. I was admitted for three days. After that he came back with me.

asked me for money and got married
Santosh married a girl in the month of May. This happened in the knowledge of Ragini. He also took money to marry Ragini. But Santosh changed after marriage. He would neither talk to Ragini nor visit her anymore. When Ragini called Santosh’s father Arjun, she got a reply that we do not know where Santosh is. After this he called Santosh’s uncle Kallu. Uncle spoke wrong things to Ragini. Told not to be seen here again.

On the complaint of Ragini, the police imposed sections of SC-ST Act, assault.

On the complaint of Ragini, the police imposed sections of SC-ST Act, assault.

  • Ragini lodged a case of sexual assault on Satish at Kaushambi police station and threatening to beat up her father and uncle.

Santosh’s wife has no objection
We asked that his wife now lives with Santosh, then why would he keep you? Wouldn’t his wife mind? Ragini said, I know Santosh’s wife. I have talked to him. He said to me, “Didi, if you had told me earlier, I would not have got married. You are married to him so I will not separate you. You can come home whenever you want or else I myself will send them to you for 2 days. He will be with us for 5 days.

Gender change in medical not yet confirmed
When the case of gender change came to light, its investigation was handed over to CO City Abhishek Singh. He got Ragini’s medical test done in Manjhanpur. The matter of sex change did not come to the fore in the initial investigation. After this, the gynecologist was also examined, but the gender change could not be confirmed. The administration has decided that now the investigation will be done in the plastic surgery department of Prayagraj.

After this, Ragini was taken to Colvin Hospital on July 7, but could not be medically examined. Called again the next day but medical did not happen.

For now, Ragini has to make it clear that she will not stay away from Santosh at any cost. I have just gone to the police station. I will also go to court in the future, but I will stay with Santosh.