‘Welcome All Collaborations’: PM Modi Tweets On Meeting With OpenAI CEO Sam Altman

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday met with Sam Altman, the CEO of Microsoft-backed OpenAI, the research lab that developed the disruptive generative AI chatbot, ChatGPT. Altman, who was engaged in a visit to India, attended several events with institutions and the media alike. During his visit, Altman shared his insights into the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications for employment. Altman recognised AI as a disruptive force but reassured that it does not signify the end of permanent jobs. He stressed the urgency for governments to adapt and develop new socioeconomic agreements in response to the rapid advancements in AI technology.

After his meeting with the prime minister, Altman tweeted that he had a “great conversation,” discussing the country’s tech ecosystem and potential for AI.

PM Modi followed up with a retweet, saying that India welcomes “all collaboration that can accelerate our digital transformation for empowering our citizens.”

During a meeting with the media, Altman openly recognised that automation may render certain jobs obsolete, but he also highlighted the emergence of new employment prospects. He stressed the importance of proactive measures to equip workers with the necessary skills to meet the evolving demands of the job market.

Altman shared the perspective that AI should be viewed as a tool to augment human capabilities rather than replace them entirely. He pointed out the historical trend of technological revolutions leading to job transformations and expressed confidence that AI would bring about new and improved job opportunities.

Having been a student at Stanford University, Altman expressed his support for independent AI research and emphasized the significance of government-funded projects in this field. He acknowledged the concerns of many countries regarding over-reliance on a few foreign companies in such transformative technology. Altman particularly highlighted India’s potential to achieve significant outcomes through government-backed AI initiatives.

Altman also welcomed the idea of regulation, recognizing the substantial disruptions caused by AI. During the discussion, he was shown an AI-generated video featuring a manipulated version of himself, prompting a conversation about the risks of deepfakes and fraud. While acknowledging the genuine dangers associated with these technologies, Altman expressed optimism that ongoing technological advancements would lead to accessible solutions that ensure authenticity and counteract such threats.

Altman’s visit to India shed light on his perspective regarding the disruptive nature of AI and its potential impact on employment. He stressed the need for governments to adapt and establish new socioeconomic agreements, assured them that despite job transformations, new job opportunities would arise, and expressed support for AI research and government initiatives. Furthermore, he acknowledged the importance of regulation and expressed confidence in the development of solutions to mitigate the risks posed by emerging technologies like deepfakes.

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