We Planned 100 Days of Next Term, Oppn Planned Its 104th ‘Gaali’ for Me: PM Modi at Rising Bharat While the government is presenting its report card of the last 10 years and planning for the first 100 days of its next term, the Opposition is busy hurling its 104th abuse at me, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said at the CNN-News18 Rising Bharat Summit on Wednesday.“Elections are around the corner. Dates have been announced. There is an atmosphere of debates. The government is giving its report card of the work done in the last 10 years, is making a roadmap for the next 25 years and the plan for first 100 days of the third term,” PM Modi said.“On the other hand, our Opposition just hurled its 104th abuse at me. They called me Aurangzeb. They have planned to eliminate me,” he added.“These abuses will not make any difference,” he said, asserting that he gets blessings of the poor who have been receiving all the benefits meant for them, unlike in the past when a huge chunk of welfare money used to be siphoned off.