Watch | Trump Teases Names Of Those Who Could Be His Vice President – News18

Curated By: Shankhyaneel Sarkar

Last Updated: February 05, 2024, 16:17 IST

Washington D.C., United States of America (USA)

Donald Trump dropped the names of Kristi Noem, South Dakota governor and South Carolina senator Tim Scott when asked about who would be his vice-president pick. (Image: Reuters)

Trump dropped the names of Kristi Noem and Tim Scott when asked who would be his vice-president pick.

Former US President Donald Trump fuelled speculation on who would be his pick for running mate in the upcoming elections. He dropped the names of South Carolina Republican senator Tim Scott and South Dakota governor Kristi Noem when asked who would be his picks for vice-president.

“Not for a while. We have so many great people in the Republican Party, but not for a while,” Trump said when asked by Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo regarding the timing of the veep announcement.

When asked what criteria he is following to pick his vice-president Trump said: “It’s got to be who would [be] able to be a good president. I mean, you always have to think that because you know, a civil emergency … things happen right? No matter who you are, things happen. It’s got to be number one. Who’s your enemy”.

“There are a lot of people,” he said. Trump, however, added that he is yet to decide who that person will be. He said he is speaking to “everybody”.

However, he revealed that he called Tim Scott and said Scott stood up and defended Trump. “You are [a] much better candidate … for me, than you were for yourself. When I watched Tim, he was fine, he was good, but he was very low-key. I watched him last week, defending me, and sticking up for me and fighting for me,” Trump said, while speaking to Fox News.

He also lauded Kristi Noem for saying that she would never run against him because she would not be able to beat him. “(She has) been incredibly fighting (for me),” Trump said.

The other contenders for Trump’s running mates are New York Republican House of Representative member Elise Stefanik, who is a staunch Trump ally. Donald Trump hold a major lead over his remaining major GOP challenger Nikki Haley and has won the primaries in New Hampshire and Iowa.

The US polling indexes from The Hill and Decision Desk HQ show Trump with a 57.2 point lead over the former South Carolina governor, while the former president has a 30.8 point lead in Haley’s home state South Carolina, which will hold its primary later this month.

(with inputs from The Hill)