Cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar has become the latest victim of deepfake technology, with a manipulated video circulating on social media. The video shows Tendulkar endorsing the gaming app “Skyward Aviator Quest” and falsely claiming that his daughter Sara Tendulkar benefits financially from it. In response, Tendulkar has flagged the fake video, emphasizing the need for vigilance and swift action against the spread of misinformation.
These videos are fake. It is disturbing to see rampant misuse of technology. Request everyone to report videos, ads & apps like these in large numbers.
Social Media platforms need to be alert and responsive to complaints. Swift action from their end is crucial to stopping the…
— Sachin Tendulkar (@sachin_rt) January 15, 2024
Sachin’s Concerns on Social Media
Expressing his concerns on X (formerly Twitter), Tendulkar urged users to report such deceptive content in large numbers. The legendary cricketer highlighted the disturbing misuse of technology, emphasizing the role of social media platforms in curbing the spread of deepfakes. Tendulkar tagged key authorities, including the Ministry of Electronics & IT, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, and Maharashtra Cyber, seeking their attention to the matter.
Maharashtra Cyber Cell Investigation
Acknowledging Tendulkar’s complaint, Maharashtra Cyber Cell has initiated an investigation into the deepfake video. This move reflects the seriousness with which authorities are treating the issue of deepfake technology misuse. The cyber cell aims to identify the culprits behind the creation and circulation of the fake video.
Skyward Aviator Quest: A Closer Look
The deepfake video features Tendulkar promoting the gaming app “Skyward Aviator Quest,” claiming that players can earn substantial amounts daily. However, Tendulkar has clarified that the video is entirely fabricated. At the time of writing, the app is available on the Apple App Store with a description emphasizing strategic planning and engaging clicker game mechanics.
User Reviews and Warnings
A user review on the app warns against its addictive nature, likening it to gambling. The reviewer shared a personal experience of initially making profits but eventually facing unpredictability and losses. The cautionary tale advises users to steer clear of such get-rich-quick schemes and suggests considering the stock market for more reliable returns.
Rising Threat of Deepfake Technology
Tendulkar’s case underscores the growing threat of deepfake technology, which has also impacted other public figures, including actors like Katrina Kaif, Alia Bhatt, and Priyanka Chopra. Governments worldwide are devising strategies to combat the malicious use of deepfakes, considering the potential harm caused by the rapid spread of misinformation on social media.