US intelligence report: ‘Netanyahu’s survival as PM is in danger’

A US intelligence report published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Monday stated that Benjamin Netanyahu’s survival as prime minister and the stability of his coalition are in danger due to the war in Gaza. 

“The public’s lack of confidence in Netanyahu’s ability to govern has deepened and expanded even more than before the war, and we are witnessing large protests demanding his resignation and holding of new elections. A different and more moderate government is a possible scenario,” the report, published by the Director of US National Intelligence, stated. 

The report also stated that Israel is expected to face increasing international pressure as a result of the humanitarian situation in Gaza. It further states that Israel and Iran are attempting to adjust their actions against each other in a way that will prevent escalation to a full-blown conflict between the two countries. 

“We assess that the Iranian leadership was not involved in the planning of the October 7 attack and that it had no prior information about the attack,” the report added. The report also stated that Israel would face armed resistance from Hamas for many years, and the IDF will continue to try to destroy the Hamas tunnels from which the terrorist organization operates and tries to harm Israeli soldiers.