US: Indian-American Vivek Ramaswamy’s popularity surges post-presidential debate

Image Source : AP Indian-American entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy

Indian-American entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy’s popularity rating and online fundraising surged on Thursday (August 24), a day after his maiden Republican presidential debate.

Ramaswamy is running for the United States presidential polls next year.

According to Ramaswamy campaign, he, 38, raised over USD450,000, with an average donation of USD38, in the first hour after the debate.

The Indian-American entrepreneur-turned-politician was up against three of his top rivals – former New Jersey Governor Chris Christies, former Vice President Mike Pence and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

What various reports said?

“In Trump’s absence, Ramaswamy drives the GOP debate,” popular Axis reported.

According to the first poll which came out after the debate, 28 per cent of the 504 respondents said that Ramaswamy performed the best, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis with 27 per cent, and Pence (13%). Haley stood at the last spot with seven per cent.

According to Fox News, Ramaswamy was the most Google-searched GOP candidate for the first Republican presidential debate, followed by Indian-American Haley, who stood next to him.

“Vivek Ramaswamy Grabs Spotlight at First Republican Primary Debate,” reported The Wall Street Journal.

However, its editorial board was critical of his foreign policy proposals and said that it will not pave his way to the White House.

“Vivek Ramaswamy, the 38-year-old political novice, grabbed the spotlight at Wednesday’s prime-time GOP presidential debate, but there was little sign he or any other contender had found a new strategy for overtaking front-runner Donald Trump,” the financial daily said.

“With unchecked confidence and insults, the biotech entrepreneur baited his rivals into skirmishes that dominated Republicans first debate,” wrote The New York Times.

“He came in hot, slamming his rivals, smiling wide and showing little deference to the more experienced candidates on stage,” the daily wrote.

The NBC News described the debate as “Vivek Ramaswamy Show”.

“That’s our top takeaway from last night’s first GOP presidential debate, where the political newcomer Ramaswamy seized the mantle as Donald Trump’s defender – but also bore the brunt of attacks from rivals on his inexperience and foreign-policy positions,” the news channel reported.

Messenger, an online news portal, said that the result of the debate was the rise of Ramaswamy’s popularity.

“Vivek Ramaswamy sparred with Mike Pence. He battled Chris Christie. And he picked a fight with Nikki Haley. The longshot candidate and entrepreneur dominated the debate stage on Wednesday night, using his outlier policy views to grab attention and stoke the outrage of his opponents. Ramaswamy also gave his rivals an opponent to attack without alienating Trump supporters or elevating the second-place DeSantis,” it said.

“Only two will be left in the race”

In words of confidence, Ramaswamy told reporters after the debate that soon only two candidates would be remaining in the race, him and former President Donald Trump whom he branded on the debate stage as one of the best presidents of the 21st century.

“I was the clear winner of the night. But we are just getting started.… My sense is that it landed very well. Pretty soon it’ll be down to a two horse race between Trump and myself,” Ramaswamy told reporters.

(With PTI inputs)

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