Unveiling Summer Special Skincare Tips And Tricks For Eid al-Adha 2023

Eid al-Adha, a significant festival celebrated in the Islamic religion worldwide, is a time of sacrifice and devotion to God. As this joyous occasion approaches, people prepare to celebrate with delectable food, delightful sweets, and stylish attire. However, the arrival of the monsoon season brings with it wet and humid weather, leading to various skin allergies and issues.

Renowned makeup artist Sahibba K Anand shared her quick and easy skincare routine to help individuals prepare their delicate and soft skin for the upcoming festivities with ABP Live.

1 – Prep Your Skin Naturally:

To achieve a flawless base before applying makeup, Sahibba advised individuals to prep and prime their skin naturally through a disciplined routine. She recommended using a gentle facewash twice a day, followed by the application of a vitamin C serum and a moisturiser. Even in the absence of direct sunlight, Sahibba emphasised the importance of using a gel-based sunscreen throughout the day at regular intervals.

“Though there are various skincare routines, following this simple and stress-free process with strict discipline works wonders for your skin,” Sahibba said.

Additionally, she highlighted the significance of this prep procedure both before and after applying makeup.

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Step 2 – Choose The Right Serum For Your Skin Type:

Sahibba suggested using a serum appropriate for your specific skin type to enhance its health and appearance. Depending on individual needs, she recommended different acids and vitamins, such as glycolic acid for most skin types (except sensitive skin), lactic acid for dry or sensitive skin, salicylic acid for oily, acne-prone, or combination skin, mandelic acid for oily, acne-prone, or sensitive skin, vitamin C for normal or aging skin, and retinol for all skin types except dry skin.

Step 3 – Opt For Long-Lasting Makeup:

Considering the humid weather during the monsoon season, Sahibba advised opting for weightless HD foundations, waterproof mascara, and long-lasting lip colors. Choosing light and waterproof makeup allows the skin to breathe while ensuring the longevity of the look.

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Step 4 – Stay Hydrated:

Maintaining proper hydration is crucial, and Sahibba emphasised the importance of keeping oneself hydrated for soft and smooth skin. Drinking an ample amount of water and consuming natural juices, shakes, and raw fruits help in achieving natural hydration. Sahibba recommended including pure mineral water as an essential component of one’s hydration routine.

Additional Tips For Skin Care:

Sahibba provides further advice to promote healthy skin:

Avoid using harsh loofahs or scrubs and remember to gently pat dry your face.

When applying moisturisers or serums, use upward motions and perform a lymphatic drainage massage with your fingers and knuckles.

Avoid using harsh cleansers that may strip excessive moisture from the skin.