Uniform Civil Code draft ready for Uttarakhand: 2.5 lakh suggestions and made in 163 meetings; The committee will hand over to the government this week

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  • Uttarakhand Uniform Civil Code Draft Update Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai

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The first meeting of the committee was held on July 4 last year in Delhi and since then the committee has met 63 times.

The draft of the proposed Uniform Civil Code for Uttarakhand has been completed and will be submitted to the state government soon. Retired Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai, head of the drafting committee, said her panel has drafted the code after taking into account all kinds of opinions and the legal framework, laws and uncodified laws of the selected countries.

The committee head said that the committee has tried to understand the nuances of the traditional practices prevalent in different parts of Uttarakhand. The report and draft code of the committee will be printed soon and handed over to the Uttarakhand government.

UCC’s draft committee was formed last year

Retired Justice Desai told the media that 2.31 lakh suggestions, and 143 meetings were held to prepare the draft.

Retired Justice Desai told the media that 2.31 lakh suggestions, and 143 meetings were held to prepare the draft.

The Uttarakhand government had formed a committee of experts in May 2022 under the leadership of retired Supreme Court Justice Desai. It was tasked with examining existing laws regulating personal civil affairs of residents of Uttarakhand, drafting such laws and suggesting changes to existing laws.

These included matters such as marriage, divorce, property rights, succession, inheritance, adoption, maintenance, custody and guardianship. Its notification was issued on 27 May 2022 and the conditions were notified on 10 June.

Justice Desai said – Tried to eliminate arbitrariness and discrimination
Justice Desai told the media about the draft- “Uttarakhand has a total population of 10 million. We received more than 2.31 lakh written suggestions. Our emphasis is on ensuring gender equality by keeping in mind women, children and persons with disabilities. We have By eliminating arbitrariness and discrimination, we have tried to bring everyone on the same level, for this we have also studied the existing laws of other countries including many Muslim countries.

Justice Desai said – We have seen everything, have also studied personal law. Have also read the report of the Law Commission. If you read our draft, you will feel that the committee has considered everything. If this draft is implemented, the secular fabric of our country will be strengthened.

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