Two killed as balcony of building collapses in Mumbai: Three injured, four-storey building collapses in second accident, two trapped in debris rescued

Mumbai10 hours ago

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A portion of a building in Mumbai’s Ghatkopar collapsed at 9.33 am on Sunday.

Two accidents took place in Mumbai on Sunday. Two people died and three others were injured when the balcony of a building near Nanavati Hospital collapsed. The second accident took place in Ghatkopar area. A portion of a four-storey residential building collapsed here in the morning. Fire brigade officials reached the spot and rescued two people trapped under the debris. Information has been received that two more people are trapped. Rescue operation is going on to save them. Five people were injured when part of a balcony of a building collapsed on St Breeze Road near Nanavati Hospital on Sunday afternoon. Police said the injured were rushed to a nearby hospital, out of which two were declared brought dead by the doctors.

NDRF personnel are searching for people trapped under the debris of a collapsed building in Ghatkopar.

NDRF personnel are searching for people trapped under the debris of a collapsed building in Ghatkopar.

Some people were living on the first and third floors of the collapsed part of the building.

In the part of the building that has collapsed, some people were living on the first and third floors.

no casualties reported
A portion of the building, located in Chittaranjan Nagar of Rajawadi Colony in Ghatkopar, collapsed at 9.33 am. After receiving the alert, a team of fire brigade, police, civilian personnel and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) rushed to the spot.

Two people were saved. One of them, a 30-year-old man, refused to go to the hospital, an official said. The two people who were rescued were living on the third floor of the building. While two people are still trapped on the first floor of the building. Efforts are on to get them out. There is no news of any casualty.

Electricity and gas supply companies were called on the spot
A fire brigade official said efforts are on to rescue two more people trapped in the building. Personnel of companies supplying electricity and gas and earth-moving machines in the area have been called to the spot, the official said. Apart from this, ward staff, 108 ambulance and Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA) have also been called for rescue.

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