Turkey discussed more aid trucks for Gaza with US Blinken – Erdogan

Turkey discussed increasing the daily number of aid trucks to at least 500 for Gaza with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during his visit to Ankara, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday.

The top US diplomat took a positive approach on the issue during talks with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, Erdogan said.

Ankara will take steps to provide ambulances, food, water and medication to Gaza in cooperation with other countries, Erdogan also said as he spoke to reporters during his return flight from Uzbekistan.

Turkey has made necessary preparations to take injured Palestinians and patients with chronic illnesses from Gaza to its hospitals for treatment, Erdogan said on Friday.

Speaking to reporters after a visit to Uzbekistan, Erdogan also said Turkey will make efforts to increase pressure on Israel to ensure injured Palestinians could be evacuated from Gaza.