‘Trump Failed America’: Biden Shares Video After Former Prez Files Paperwork

New Delhi: US President Joe Biden shared a video on Wednesday, in a purported reaction to former president Donald Trump’s announcement to run for the 2024 US Presidential elections. Trump officially launched his campaign after filing papers with the FEC declaring himself a candidate for the presidency and forming a campaign committee.

Biden alleged Trump’s tenure was marked by “rigging the economy for the rich,” and the “worst jobs record since Depression.” In the video, he further claimed that Trump “coddled extremists,” “attacked women’s rights” and “incited a violent mob,” in an apparent jibe at the US Capitol attack on January 6, 2021.

The 52-second-long video shared on Twitter is a compilation of short news clips and quotes from the former president that highlight issues faced by the country during Trump’s presidency.

It can be seen in the clip when a journalist asked Trump whether women should be punished for getting abortions, he agreed and said that “there has to be some form of punishment”. Another clip is of Trump speaking at a gathering and stating that if he wins the election, the people involved in the January 6 Capitol attack will be treated fairly and “if it requires pardons we will give them pardons”.

Along with the video which has already garnered 2.5 million views, the tweet read, “Donald Trump failed America”.

ALSO READ: Donald Trump To Run For President In 2024, Files Paperwork

Trump, who is facing several criminal investigations of his conduct related to his presidency, announced from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on Tuesday that he will run for the US president in 2024 to make America “great and glorious” again.

“In order to make America great and glorious again, I am tonight announcing that I will run for President of the United States. This will be our campaign altogether,” he told his cheering supporters.

The 76-year-old leader’s bid for Presidency comes after Republicans lost key midterm races that prompted leaders in the party to blame Trump.

While Trump is seeking a potential rematch with Democratic President Biden, the US President is yet to formally announce his re-election campaign.