Today’s History: The world’s first plane made by Wright Brothers took off, the idea of ​​making a plane came from toys

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  • Today History Aaj Ka Itihas 17 December | Wright Brothers And The First Airplane Flight

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A bishop from the town of Huntington, West Virginia, USA, brought a toy to his children. The toy was a model based on an invention by French aeronautic scientist Alphonse Penaud. It was made of paper, rubber and bamboo. It was this incident that gave flight to the imagination of the two brothers.

On 17 December 1903, the imagination of these two brothers was actually successful in flying 120 feet above the ground for 12 seconds. These two brothers were Wilbur and Orville Wright, who had flown an aircraft for the first time. The aircraft was named the Wright Flyer after the two brothers. This was nothing less than a feat for the entire human civilization. Man’s dream of flying in the sky had turned into reality.

Photograph of the plane during the first flight.

Photograph of the plane during the first flight.

Behind this success of the Wright Brothers were many failure stories. Several attempts by the Wright Brothers to build an airplane failed, but they never gave up. Both the brothers had good knowledge of mechanical technology. Prior to this he had worked in printing presses, motor shops and other places. He invented the airplane by adding bicycle parts. A French company claimed that they had already invented it, but it was recognized by the Wright Brothers in 1908.

Bhagat Singh, Rajguru avenged the death of Lala Lajpat Rai

It is dated 30 October 1928. The Simon Commission came to India in the same year. The opposition to this commission gained momentum all over the country. Slogans were raised to go back to the Simon Commission. It was headed by Lala Lajpat Rai. During this an incident happened. The youth who were protesting along with Lala Lajpat Rai were brutally beaten up.

The police mercilessly pelted sticks on Lala Lajpat Rai. He suffered serious injuries, and died on 17 November 1928. The lathi charge was ordered by Superintendent James A Scott. There was outrage in the whole country after Lalaji’s death. Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad, Sukhdev and other revolutionaries pledged to avenge the death.

Lala Lajpat Rai died on 17 November 1928 after being brutally beaten by the police.

Lala Lajpat Rai died on 17 November 1928 after being brutally beaten by the police.

A month after Lalaji’s death, i.e. 17 December 1928, the day was fixed for Scott’s murder. Due to a miss in the target of the revolutionaries, the bullet went to Assistant Superintendent of Police John P. Saunders instead of Scott. Saunders was leaving the police headquarters in Lahore. Then Bhagat Singh and Rajguru opened fire.

The first bullet was fired by Rajguru and the second by Bhagat Singh. Angered by the murder of Saunders, the British government considered Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru guilty of this incident and announced the execution on 7 October 1930.

The day of 17th December is remembered in history because of what other important events…

1940: Mahatma Gandhi suspended the Satyagraha movement in 1940.

1933: Cricketer Lala Amarnath scored a century in the second innings of the debut test match.

1927: Sir Don Bradman of Australia scored a century in the first match of first class cricket.

1907: Ugyen Wangchuck became the first king of Bhutan.

1902: The famous Italian inventor Marconi built the first radio station.

1803East India Company occupied Odisha.

1777: France recognized American independence.

1715: Banda Bahadur Bairagi, the chief of the Sikhs, laid down his arms before the Mughals at Gurdaspur.

1645: Nur Jahan Begum, wife of Mughal Emperor Jahangir, passed away.

1556: Rahim, the famous poet of Emperor Akbar’s court, was born.

1398: The Mongol emperor Timurlang captured Delhi.

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