Three Palestinians reported killed as intense fighting erupts in Nablus

Three Palestinians were reported killed and nearly 20 more injured as heavy fighting broke out in Nablus during an apparent Israeli raid on the Lion’s Den terror group early Tuesday morning.

Heavy gunfire could be seen and heard in videos shared on social media after a large convoy of troops was seen entering the city shortly after midnight.

Israel Defense Forces soldiers surrounded a building in the northern West Bank city where senior members of the Lion’s Den terror group had been holed up, according to unverified reports in Hebrew and Palestinian media.

According to some reports, Israeli forces fired anti-tank missiles at the building as well as small-arms fire during intense exchanges of fire.

The Palestinian health ministry said three people were killed and 19 more injured in the fighting, including three people in critical condition.

Media reports named two of the fatalities as Hamdi Sharaf and Ali Antar.

Members of the Palestinian Authority’s security force were apparently caught off guard by the raid and opened fire at the Israeli troops, who shot back, resulting in injuries, according to Palestinian reports.

The Israeli military confirmed that forces were operating in Nablus.

It said it would later send an update on the raid, which came a day after another member of Lion’s Den was killed in a mysterious explosion attributed to Israel.

Lion’s Den reportedly confirmed that it had been targeted and said it had returned fire at Israeli troops. It vowed to continue to carry out attacks, according to reports in Palestinian media.

Israeli forces have waged a several-week campaign against Lion’s Den, a new group made up of members of various other terror factions that had become known for carrying out brazen attacks on soldiers and settlers near Nablus in the last month. One soldier was killed in those assaults.

Israel placed a cordon around Nablus almost two weeks ago, and had indicated it could step up actions against Lion’s Den.

AFP contributed to this report.

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