This is Why Sunscreen May Protect Your Skin in Winter, too

The cold season has returned and brought with it winter-related skin issues. Most people are confused as to how to deal with them with age-old skincare myths misleading many. One such myth revolves around sunscreen. Most people don’t use sunscreen in the winter since they believe it is not required in the cold just because the sun is not out to scorch them. However, there are several reasons why sunscreen helps protect your skin not just in summer, but all throughout the year, even during the cold seasons. Although UVB rays are strongest in summer, they can hit us all throughout the year.

Following are the reasons you should use sunscreen even in winter:

  • Contrary to popular belief, skin can also be exposed to harmful rays indoors. These days, we use gadgets day in and day out, both at work and home and the rays that we are exposed to from them may be harmful to the skin. Applying sunscreen, regardless of sunlight may minimize that risk.
  • Collagen, which is a protein essential for skin elasticity is repaired and protected by SPF-filled serums and creams and thus can make you look fresh, young and youthful, irrespective of the season.
  • The harmful rays that breakthrough cloud cover called UVA rays can wreck the skin if you are not protected. It may increase the risk of skin cancer.
  • Levels of moisture in the air are low in winters and may cause the skin to become dry, making the skin susceptible to infection, wrinkles and cracks. Sunscreen helps to balance the level of moisture in the skin.
  • Excess melanin production by the skin leads to pigmentation and it happens due to constant exposure to the sun, pollution and dirt that we are exposed to all throughout the year. Applying sunscreen may avoid pigmentation of the skin.

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