Therapist Shares Things To Avoid Doing While Apologising

Being arrogant and not accepting your mistakes can ruin your relationships. It is inevitable for us to make mistakes. At times our actions reflect on the people we love, and we end up hurting them. But an apology can fix most things. But you must know the right way to apologize. Giving excuses for your mistakes will only make things worse. It is important that you take full responsibility for your actions. There are other things too that you must keep in mind. Emily H Sanders, Family and Marriage Therapist, dropped a post on Instagram where she gave tips on “avoiding common pitfalls.”

Do not over-do your apology

While it is essential to express the pain and guilt that you feel for the hurt that you have caused, you should not keep going on and on about it. By doing so you will make them feel the need to console you instead of expressing themselves to you.

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Do not use the word “but”

Always keep in mind that using a but takes away the meaning of all that you have said before. It implies that you are trying to justify your actions. Sometimes an explanation is necessary, in such situations, make sure to keep it brief and own up to your mistake.

Do not say sorry to avoid having a hard conversation

Never apologize to avoid having a difficult conversation. It should never be an interruption. You should apologize when you know what was it that hurt the person.

Do not apologize when doing so would be harmful

While it is a good thing to apologize. Try not doing it when you know that it will cause them more pain or break a boundary.

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