The secret of suicide in such an open closed room: Bhaiyyu Maharaj had a relation with 12 girls, including two IAS; One call uncovered the layers of conspiracy

Indore6 hours agoAuthor: Hemant Nagle

The initial investigation of the Bhaiyyu Maharaj suicide case was being done by the police as an ordinary case. CSP Manoj Ratnakar, who was then the First Investigation Officer, had submitted the suicide report in the domestic dispute. Preparations were on to end the case.

Two months later, Nivesh Barjatya, a close advocate of Maharaj, got a call demanding 5 crores. The bully turned out to be Kailash Patil, who had been the driver of Maharaj. The police picked him up and when interrogated, the nexus of Maharaj’s servant Vinayak, Sharad and disciple Palak was revealed.

Kailash also confessed that he had done the work of bringing Palak from home to the ashram several times in Maharaj’s car. Whatever things Palak used to do with Vinayak and Sharad in the car, they are in his attention. Taking this end, the police took the statements of the three accused Sharad, Vinayak and Palak. It was found that together all three were abetting the suicide. Police investigation also revealed that Maharaj had a relationship with 12 girls. Of these, 2 are IAS.

Bhaiyyu Maharaj had committed suicide by shooting himself on June 12, 2018. The police had no leads in this case for two months. The then DIG Harinarayan Chari Mishra (now Indore Police Commissioner) had asked to keep a constant watch on this case. In such a situation, the police who were preparing to end the case, surprised by arresting Vinayak, Palak and Sharad 6 months after Maharaj’s suicide. Know, how this secret was revealed…

One phone call and the layers opened…
In the Bhaiyyu Maharaj suicide case, the police initially took statements of more than 20 people. There were statements of some members of the family as well. Meanwhile, Advocate Nivesh Barjatya, a resident of Old Palasia, who was associated with Bhaiyyu Maharaj for 22 years, got an unknown call. 5 crore was demanded.

This conversation took place between the blackmailer and Barjatya.

  • Blackmailer: I have got an order to kill you.
  • Advocate: who are you speaking
  • Blackmailer: You listen first, I have got an order to kill you. All right… if you want to live then you have to arrange 5 kiosks (five crores).
  • Advocate: I don’t have that much money…

After this call, the advocate informed the police.

Maharaj’s driver turned blackmailer
The blackmailer who was caught by the MIG police station turned out to be Kailash Patil, who had been the driver of Maharaj. Maharaj had fired him from his job. He felt that the advocate had a lot of money. Will give in easily when bullied. It was only from him that it came to know that Maharaj was under great stress because of his loved ones. After the information given by Kailash, the police re-opened the diary of Maharaj’s suicide case and investigated afresh.

Driver Kailash Patil gave this statement to the police…
I was driving Bhaiyyu Maharaj’s car since 2004. I am very little educated. I do not know English, but while living with Maharaj, I started understanding English. Maharaj used to talk to the girls in the car in front of me. They thought I didn’t understand anything, but I understood.

Sonia, Palak, Shalini, Mallika… Maharaj had relations with 12 girls. These include two women IAS from another state. Vinayak and Shekhar know everything. Both of them used to get calls from girls. I know that both of them had prepared a plan to extort money.

Suddenly I was sent to Kuhu in Pune for 6 months and I was away from the ashram. The blackmailed girl (Palak) used to live opposite the house of Manmeet, a trusted friend of Maharaj. Manmeet had introduced Vinayak and Shekhar. He was kept in the ashram and started taking care of the work. ( Kailash gave this statement in December 2018.)

There is more news…
