The people living near the Twin Towers returned: The dust storm had scared them, but the house was found safe and clean

A minute agoAuthor: Vaibhav Palnitkar

Peace is back again in the Emerald Court Society of Noida. This society is just 9 meters away from the 100 meter high twin tower that was demolished at 2.30 pm on Sunday. The people here were scared since the date for the fall of the tower was fixed. Others were looking for their home in the video of Demolition when they were watching the dust plume.

The cloud of dust was such that it seemed that it would take a long time to make the surrounding societies habitable. The people here will have to make a lot of effort, but they returned to their homes within 6 hours of demolition.

On Friday morning we reached the Emerald Court Society and took a closer look at the demolition site. There is a lot of activity here as before. Everyone wants to see the wreckage of the once broken tower.

The house right in front of the Twin Towers, but not a single pebble entered
Abhijeet Jain was found coming out of the society with his son with a laptop bag hanging on his shoulder. His son is also hanging a bag in school dress. Abhijeet is one of the first families to return to their building. They tell that we had come back only on Sunday night. When I saw the video of the collapse of the building, there was a fear in my mind that our tower might have been damaged. Debris has not entered our house.

Abhijeet tells that there has been no breakdown in the house, thinking that we entered inside. See that the house is completely safe. There was not even a pebble inside. We live on the sixth floor. Dust has come up to the third-fourth floor. The process of demolition of the tower has been many times better than expected. We had planned to take a day or two off because of the demolition of the tower, it was not necessary.

Society did not suffer as it was feared
Aarti Kopula is also a member of the Resident Welfare Association in the Emerald Court Society. We called them in the morning. By then her husband had left. Aarti’s husband is a surgeon. She says that the Aster-2 and Aster-3 towers of our society were the closest to the Twin Towers. We were more concerned about the people living in them.

Till now the residents who have reached their homes, no one has complained of breakage. There has been a photo of a slight break in the glass only in some places. The demolition company has said that it will repair it.

Aarti told- There was no such loss in our society, which was feared. Nor did the dust come. There was no damage to the plants either. The boundary wall of the Society ATS Village, which falls on the other side of the Twin Towers, has been broken. Many people have also told about dust entering the house.

Feeling a slight sore throat, everything else is normal..

Namita Batra, who lives in the Emerald Court Society, reached the demolition site early in the morning to see the debris of the Twin Towers. She tells that her tower is on the back side. There is a sore throat due to dust. Other than that there was no problem. Those who had already put plastic or covers in their houses, there is absolutely no dust in them. We are also preparing to leave for work.

The more pollution that happened, the more it remains in Delhi-NCR.

Sunil Batra reached to see the debris of Twin Towers. He was wearing a mask. They tell that we were all scared before the blast. Now everyone is relieved. Some people have said that the window glass is broken. The Noida Authority and the district administration have cleared the dust. There was concern about pollution, but this much pollution often remains in Delhi-NCR.

Security guard showed photo of broken boundary wall
The Emerald Court Society is on one side of the Twin Towers site and the ATS Village Society on the other. Videos of debris falling on the boundary wall of the ATS Society had surfaced on Sunday night. We reached here in the morning. Entry is prohibited inside the society. We talked to the security guard. A guard named Awadhesh told that he was on night duty and went towards the demolition site.

He also took some photos from mobile. It is seen in the photo that a large part of the debris of the Twin Towers has fallen on the boundary wall of the ATS Village Society. Residents living in the society said that no damage has been reported so far.

Also read this news of Twin Tower Demolition.

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