‘The Original Kerala Story’: State Minister V Sivankutty’s Dig At Sudipto Sen’s Film

Muslim Youth League General Secretary PK Feroze has also objected to the film.

The film has grabbed the attention of many, and CPI and Congress have called it a “propaganda film”.

The Kerala Story featuring Adah Sharma is at the centre of the storm after the trailer of the film claimed that 32,000 girls from the state went missing and later joined the terrorist group, ISIS despite the government showing no such records or evidence. The film has grabbed the attention of many, and CPI and Congress have slammed the film, calling it a “propaganda movie”. Amid all this, Kerala Education Minister V Sivankutty took a jibe at the film by sharing a poster of “The Original Kerala Story.” He shared a black poster where a child can be seen running and atop it has the words, “Edapaal presents”. Check out the post here:

The state education minister wrote in the caption of the post, “Running Reels Films.”

The poster indicates the 2019 incident when a large number of people attacked the supporters of a rally at Edappal in the Malappuram district of Kerala. The Sabarimala Karma Samithi had called a dawn-to-dusk hartal in the state in protest against the entry of young women to the Sabarimala temple.

On Monday, Muslim Youth League General Secretary PK Feroze also objected to the film and called it a propaganda film endorsed by the “Sangh Parivar”. He also wrote on Facebook that a case should be filed against director Sudipto Sen.

He claimed in his post that The Kerala Story portrays Muslims seeking to establish an Islamic State in Kerala. Additionally, he stated that the movie features Hindu women being lured into converting to Islam through Love Jihad by Muslim men and subsequently indoctrinated into terrorism. He further noted that even the Supreme Court had dismissed the notion of Love Jihad.

Amid the row, director Sudipto Sen told India Today that he made the film after months of research. “No producer wanted to back the movie. My perspective changed, I was deeply moved after speaking to the victims,” he added.

The Kerala Story, written and helmed by Sudipto Sen, is portrayed as “unearthing” the events behind “approximately 32,000 women” allegedly going missing in the southern state. The film claims they converted, got radicalised and were deployed in terror missions in India and the world. The film is set to hit the theatres on May 5.

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