The number of people coming to the office every day decreased: hybrid work increased; Prefer working two-three days a week

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Employees in hybrid work came to the office an average of 2.53 days a week. (file photo)

After the official announcement of the end of the worldwide epidemic, many people were thinking that now people will return completely to the offices. But a new report suggests that the number of workers commuting to the office every day has come down due to the rise of hybrid work.

According to the Flex report, full-time office workers in the US in the first quarter of 2023 decreased from 49% in the previous quarter to 42%. And hybrid workers grew from 20% last quarter to 30% in Q1. Employees in hybrid work came to the office an average of 2.53 days a week.

Hybrid workers increased from 20% last quarter to 30% in the first quarter.  (file photo)

Hybrid workers increased from 20% last quarter to 30% in the first quarter. (file photo)

Twitter and Tesla want daily attendance from employees
Robert Sedo, CEO of Scoop Technologies, the company that made the Flex report, says workers are preferring to come to the office two days and three days more. The most popular days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday respectively. Only some companies require workers to be present on Fridays. 24% of companies want Monday attendance.

Not all companies want to exempt employees from coming to office. Twitter and Tesla require daily attendance from employees. Apple is also monitoring the attendance of workers. He has warned of action against those who do not come to office. Workers at Disney are required to come into the office four days a week. By the way, thousands of people have opposed it.

Twitter and Tesla require daily attendance from employees.  (file photo)

Twitter and Tesla require daily attendance from employees. (file photo)

Daily commuting to office has increased the challenge for parents
Some analysts say that blacks and women have suffered discrimination in the return of employees to the offices. For working parents living far away, the challenge has increased due to daily commuting to office. The conditions depend on the company’s industry, location and number of employees, says the Flex report.

Two out of three companies with less than 500 employees have full exemption for employees. Workers can do remote work if they want. On the other hand only 13% companies with more than 50 thousand employees are giving full exemption. However, 66% have allowed hybrid work.

work from home 30%
There are other indications of non-return of work status to five days a week office. According to research by Professor Nicholas Bloom at Stanford, who studies remote work, the share of work from home is stable around 30 percent.

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