The message of this industrialist is to return the workers to ‘work from home’ in the midst of Omicron panic

RPG Enterprise Chairman Harsh Goenka has already given multiple messages about Omicron. Then, just before the New Year, he announced that this time their ‘work place’ is being closed. And with that, the industrialist has once again instructed the workers to work in a work-from-home manner.

It is to be noted that in the first two streams of Kovid, one organization after another in India chose the structure of Work from Home. However, after the introduction of vaccination, towards the end of 2021, several organizations in India have once again taken initiative to bring workers to the office. In the meanwhile, Omicron terror started all over the world. Meanwhile, industrialist Harsh Goenka has expressed his concern over the horrors of Omicron in multiple tweets in the last few days. A few days ago, he said that the Covid Ward in Mumbai, the hospital he was associated with, was full. As a result, it’s time to dump her and move on. Meanwhile, since last Friday, he has instructed all RPG group workers to work in a work-from-home manner.

In a tweet, Harsh Goenka wrote, “In the wake of the alarming increase in covid cases across India, we have returned to work from home and closed our workplaces, effective today.” I hope other companies will follow suit and try to break the chain. Many praised Harsh Goenka’s move in a tweet on Friday. Then there is speculation that the rest of the country will follow the same path as the RPG group. For now, much of it depends on the dynamics of the situation, according to informed sources.
