The government did not like! “Pride is still intact today,” the chief justice said on the day of his retirement

‘My pride is intact. The government’s negative attitude towards me is a testament to my independence. ‘ Rajasthan High Court Chief Justice Akhil Qureshi retired on Saturday. He said this before. He said, ‘Recently a former Chief Justice wrote his biography. From the Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh to the Chief Justice of Tripura based on the opinion of the judiciary, some of the recommendations have changed. That’s what came out in the media. ‘ In fact, former Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi wrote in his autobiography that due to multiple verdicts, Justice Qureshi was not appointed as the Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh.

Meanwhile, in his farewell speech at the initiative of the Jodhpur bench of the Rajasthan High Court, the Chief Justice became a little emotional. “As a judge of the Constitutional Court, I have a duty to protect the rights of citizens,” he said. I consider it my certificate of independence. ‘ Meanwhile, in 2016, it was heard that the government was not willing to appoint Qureshi as the Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh from the Bombay High Court. He was then sent to the Gujarat High Court. In the end, as per the decision of the Collegium, he was appointed as the Chief Justice of the Tripura High Court. There were only four judges. Meanwhile, six months before his retirement, he was appointed as the Chief Justice of the Rajasthan High Court. While a judge of the Gujarat High Court, he took part in a case involving bogus encounters.

He said, “I have given all the verdicts in accordance with the law. There is no regret. I am leaving with pride because I did not give any verdict considering what effect it might have on me. ‘ Before retiring, Justice Qureshi, a law student who had been studying maths for a while, said: