The girl told the Karnataka High Court.. Loved the boy for 9 years: I will marry him, the lover who was in jail for 6 years got parole

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  • Karnataka Neeta Love Story; Boyfriend Gets Parole For Marriage With Girlfriend

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The Karnataka High Court has ordered the release of murder convict Anand on parole for 15 days. He is in jail for 6 years. Anand’s mother and girlfriend Neeta filed a petition and appealed for his release. In the petition, the girl had said that if Anand was not released, she would get married to someone else. I love Anand since 9 years. I will marry him.

On the other hand, the mother said that I have many diseases and I want to see my son’s marriage with Neeta. While hearing the case, the Karnataka High Court has released the convict on parole.

The High Court laid down the condition of not committing the crime
Justice M Nagaprasanna ordered the jail authorities to release Anand on parole from April 5 to April 20, 2023. Along with this, the court imposed a condition that the convict would not commit any crime while he was out.

Lawyer said – no provision to give parole
The public prosecutor said that there is no provision for granting parole to get married. If the convict wants to attend someone’s marriage, he can be released. The lawyer further said that if an extraordinary situation arises, the court can grant parole. The court granted parole to the man considering his marriage to his girlfriend as an extraordinary circumstance.

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