The bachelors took out the bride march in Solapur: wearing wedding clothes reached the collector’s office on a horse, gave a memorandum and asked the government to get the bride

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  • Wearing Wedding Clothes Reached The Collector’s Office On A Horse, Gave A Memorandum And Asked The Government To Get The Bride

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In Maharashtra’s Solapur, bachelors took out a bride march demanding a bride. It was named ‘Dulhan Morcha’. Dressed in wedding attire, riding horses and accompanied by bands, several bachelors arrived at the collector’s office and submitted memorandums demanding brides for themselves.

This march reached the collector’s office on Wednesday. The issue of low male-female ratio (odd male-female ratio) was raised in the memorandum given in the office. These eligible virgins demanded that the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act be strictly implemented to improve the male-female ratio in Maharashtra.

also handed over the memorandum
The memorandum also asked the state government to arrange brides for eligible bachelors participating in the march.
Ramesh Barskar, founder of Jyoti Kranti Parishad, the organization that organized the march, said people may make fun of the march, but the grim reality is that eligible bachelors of marriageable age are not getting brides simply because of the male-female ratio in the state. is less.

The bachelors involved in the march were carrying posters.  It was written on them, will anyone give a girl for marriage?

The bachelors involved in the march were carrying posters. It was written on them, will anyone give a girl for marriage?

Government responsible for low sex ratio
Barskar claimed that Maharashtra had a sex ratio of 889 girls per 1,000 boys. This disparity exists because of female feticide and the government is responsible for this disparity.

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