Tamil Nadu HSE Class 12 Supplementary Result To Be Released Today At dge.tn.gov.in – News18

A student must provide their login information, which includes their roll number and date of birth, to view their supply mark sheets (Representative Image)

The class 12 supplementary examination this year was carried out from June 19 to June 26 and the results will be released today at dge.tn.gov.in

The Tamil Nadu Directorate of Government Examinations (DGE) will be announcing the Supplementary examination results for Higher Secondary Second Year (HSE +2) or Class 12 today, July 24. Students will be able to access their class 12 supply results at dge.tn.gov.in. Although the exact time of the announcement of the TN +2 supplementary results has not been confirmed by an official source, it is anticipated to be published in the latter part of the day.

The class 12 supplementary examination this year was carried out from June 19 to June 26. A student must provide their login information, which includes their roll number and date of birth, to view their supply mark sheets.

TN HSE Supplementary result 2023: How to check

Students may access Tamil Nadu 12th Supply results after they are released by following these steps:

Step 1: Navigate to dge.tn.gov.in to access the TNDGE website.

Step 2: After that, select the HSE 2nd year supplementary results tab.

Step 3: Fill out the necessary information in the login box.

Step 4: Submit your credentials to be redirected to the result window.

Step 5: Once the TN Class 12 supply examination result appears, review it and download a copy.

Step 6: Take a printout of the TN Class 12 supply examination result for future records.

For Rs. 275, candidates have the option to obtain a scanned copy of their answer sheet. For Biology papers, candidates must pay Rs 305, while for other courses, they must pay Rs 205. Candidates looking for further details on the subject can go to the TNDGE website. Students who failed to pass all of their topics in the first round of the TN +2 Supplementary Examinations were given a critically important second chance to boost their marks.

A minimum score of 35 out of 100 is needed in each topic to pass the TN board examination 2023, according to the TN state board regulations. For students enrolling in supplementary exams, the same standards apply. Students must pass both parts of the test in subjects that have both theoretical and practical components in order to be considered successful.

The results of the Tamil Nadu HSE(+2) exams for the year 2023 were released on May 8 on the following official websites: tnresults.nic.in, dge1.tn.nic.in, dge2.tn.nic.in, and dge.tn.gov.in.