J&K: Three Security Personnel Wounded In A Blast At Shopian, Says Kashmir Police

New Delhi: Three personnel were injured in a bomb in Jammu and Kashmir’s Shopian, authorities said…

J&K: Civilian Suffers Injury in Leg as Terrorist Opens Fire in Shopian

Terrorists on Wednesday evening fired upon a civilian in the Keegam area of Shopian district in…

Amreen Bhat Case EXPLAINED: Why did terrorists target the TV artist? | ABP News

Terrorists have once again targeted civilians in Jammu and Kashmir. Terrorists shot dead TV artist…

Indian Army continues ‘Operation All-Out’: Detailed Report | ABP News

An encounter broke out in the Juma Gund village of Jammu and Kashmir’s Kupwara early…

Amreen Bhat Case: Know all about it | ABP News

Terrorists have once again targeted civilians in Jammu and Kashmir. Terrorists shot dead TV artist…

Kupwara Encounter: Indian Army guns down all 3 terrorists | ABP News

An encounter broke out in the Juma Gund village of Jammu and Kashmir’s Kupwara early…

Kupwara Encounter: Indian Army guns down terrorist | ABP News

An encounter broke out in the Juma Gund village of Jammu and Kashmir’s Kupwara early…

Terrorists’ cowardly act in Budgam; details here | ABP News

Terrorists have once again targeted civilians in Jammu and Kashmir. Terrorists shot dead TV artist Amreen…

Pulwama Encounter ends; Indian Army guns down two terrorists | ABP News

Pulwama Encounter, which was underway since Wednesday, has come to an end. The Indian Army shot…

J&K: What is the purpose of ‘target killings’ of Hindus in valley? | Master Stroke

In Kashmir, terrorists have once again started killing Hindus in Kashmir by targeting them. In…