Toothbrush inserted in private part in the name of ragging: Made VIDEO while bathing junior student, seniors were blackmailing

Hindi News National Gujarat Ragging: Sanitizer Toothbrush Inserted Into Junior’s Private Parts RajkotOne hour ago copy…

From Cleaning Laptop To Removing Lipstick Stains, The Many Uses Of Hand Sanitizer

Following Covid-19, hand sanitizer gained huge momentum across the world. Soon we all started noticing it…

Woman kills child, attempts to end life in Hyderabad

Published: Published Date – 06:50 PM, Mon – 14 March 22 Hyderabad: A woman allegedly killed…

Spraying of sanitizer on 150 turncoats before joining TMC

Around 150 BJP workers on Thursday flocked to the TMC in Bengal’s Birbhum district after local…