पंजाब में इस साल मानसून सामान्य: जून-जुलाई में जमकर बारिश, अगस्त में 66% कम बरसे बादल; अब बदलने लगेगा मौसम

अमृतसर13 घंटे पहले कॉपी लिंक गोल्डन टेंपल अमृतसर का मनमोहक दृश्य। पंजाब में अगस्त महीने के…

Weather Updates: Assam Flood Toll Mounts to 151, One Dead in U’khand Landslide; Orange Alert in Delhi as Monsoon Inches Closer

The flood situation in Assam worsened on Wednesday with 12 more people losing their lives and…

Good news about monsoon: 103% rain expected in the country this year, 12 states including Punjab-Himachal will receive more rain than normal in June

Chandigarh43 minutes ago This time the country is expected to receive good rains from last time.…