Good news about monsoon: 103% rain expected in the country this year, 12 states including Punjab-Himachal will receive more rain than normal in June

Chandigarh43 minutes ago

This time the country is expected to receive good rains from last time. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted 103% rainfall in the country from June to September this time. The department had predicted 99% rainfall in the country a month ago. In June, Punjab is also expected to receive above normal rainfall during the monsoon season.

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The maximum temperature is expected to remain normal and below normal. The average rainfall in the state from June to September is 467 mm. If we talk about last year, then 436 mm of rain was recorded here.

The Meteorological Department has predicted 103% rain this time.

The normal long period average rainfall in the country during monsoon is 87 cm. Rainfall of 96 to 104% of the long period average is considered normal. IMD Director General Mrityunjay Mohapatra said that the La Nina conditions are expected to persist throughout the monsoon, hence the rainfall is expected to increase.

what is la nina
La Nia refers to the periodic changes in the sea surface temperature of the Pacific Ocean. This has an effect on the weather around the world. Temperatures are warm due to El Nio and cold due to La Nia.

More than normal rain expected in many states including Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana.

More than normal rain expected in many states including Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana.

This time the monsoon has reached Kerala three days back. If we talk about Punjab, then we will not have to face heat here. Monsoon can knock here before June 30.

It is raining continuously since 2019
In June, there is a possibility of above normal rainfall in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, North Rajasthan, Maharashtra, East Madhya Pradesh, West Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Interior Karnataka. This time the weather in Punjab has been dry continuously from March to May 22, but between May 23 and May 31, there will be 15 percent rain for three days.

After 2013, the mercury in Amritsar has been recorded at 40 degrees.

After 2013, the mercury in Amritsar has been recorded at 40 degrees.

This year it was very hot as compared to last year
Average full month mercury in May has been released for Amritsar, Ludhiana and Patiala. According to IMD, this time the mercury for the whole month in all the three districts has been recorded much higher than last year. After 2013, 40 degree mercury has been recorded in Amritsar.

Trees broken due to strong winds in Delhi
Delhi will also receive normal rains in the first month of monsoon i.e. June. Normally June receives 165 mm of rain. The normal rainfall range for June is 92 to 108 per cent. Heavy rain accompanied by strong winds lashed Delhi on Monday, due to which many trees were uprooted and power went out.

In Delhi, many trees were uprooted due to strong winds, due to which the lights went off in many areas.

In Delhi, many trees were uprooted due to strong winds, due to which the lights went off in many areas.

Monsoon will reach the Himalayan part of Bengal in two days
This time the monsoon has reached Kerala three days back. It is likely to reach Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Northeast, Sikkim and Himalayan West Bengal in the next two days.

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