Exploring The Link Between Cluster Headaches, Migraine And How It Affects The Body’s Internal Health

The analysis was published in the online edition of Neurology, the official journal of the American…

Statin Therapy Does Not Worsen Muscle Pain After Moderate Exercise: Study

Wondering if moderate exercise is safe for people who experience muscle pain from taking statins? Well,…

Poor Sleep: 4 Tips To Function Well After A Bad Night’s Sleep

Think back to a night when you slept poorly. How productive were you the next day…

103-Year-Old California Woman Is Your Inspiration To Hit The Gym; 5 Easy Exercises

Strengthening your upper body can aid you in everyday activities and contribute to good posture. (Image:…

No Need To Starve Anymore – Reach Your Fitness Goals With Intuitive Eating

New Delhi: “Intuitive eating” is another name for a non-dieting strategy for altering eating patterns. According…

Yoga or Pilates, Which Form of Exercise Should You Include in Your Fitness Regime?

Yoga focuses more on mindfulness whereas Pilates focuses on muscle-building and developing core-strength. Yoga was originally…

Here are 8 reasons why people go to gym that has nothing to do about being fit

Published: Published Date – 04:38 PM, Sat – 4 June 22 Representational image. Hyderabad: We all…

World Health Day 2022: 6 Ways To Stay Mentally And Physically Fit

It is important to follow a disciplined lifestyle and healthy eating habit for good physical as…